This a very narrow of view of what is Christian and any parent should have the right ot say if this is what they would like their child to be taught. Unfortunately they may not realize what their children are being taught until, as one woman described to me, her daughter started arguing with her that the earth was only 6000 years old. To our greatest problem in this area:
Our national school Curriculum is written and submitted to the largest publisher, “Scholastic”. The two largest states are often the standard for what is used in every school district in the country. Texas and California are so big and the size of their order so big, that it is very rare for a smaller state or district to have the money for a rewritten set of books.
The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has tried over the entire time he has been governor to get a Creationist bias in Texas schoolbooks, knowing that this would be used in many systems around the country.
In August, ThinkProgress flagged an article from The Houston Chronicle reporting that new history textbook standards being drafted by the state board of education had a strong right-wing bias.
They have been rewriting American history in many ways. They take out references to church state separation and try to make the case that historically we were meant to be a strictly Christian nation. I will be happy to elaborate on this in another post. Right now, I’m most worried about the Brown fiasco. Another quote from the article above:
The first draft for proposed standards in United States History Studies Since Reconstruction says students should be expected “to identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals, such as Newt Gingrich, Phyllis Schlafly and the Moral Majority.”
Basically, anything that does not agree with the Bible would not be taught. And they are rewriting the Bible… they no longer need help from God.…
It doesn’t matter what “Bob Brown” says. It’s what he’s not telling you, would never tell you that matters. He would never tell you that the republican party has one aim and that is to run America with their rules. This gives an idea of how hard he has tried to get this done: http://skepticalteacher.wordpr…
He would have a great friend in the Senate on this. You can bet he has made this promise.
I thought that when it was shown that Rush Limbaugh really did speak for the party, and when Sarah Palin became a viable candidate, no one would risk voting for them. There is good reason. Having Bob Brown in the Senate would be like 6 long years of Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and that crowd in the state that stood for nothing if not freedom of speech, religion and hope as Massachusetts.
Some good news? Something the right wing controlled media would never let you see..
Next an unexpected view on healthcare reform…
Thank you for an opportunity to write here. I would much rather write under my own name but I write for my company. I am identified with my company and cannot be seen as speaking for them politically. But I would very much like to help save our Constitution.
…but just for the record candidate Brown’s first name is Scott.
is a washed up boy bander married to Whitney Houston. They may be divorced by now…but I don’t think he’s a Republican.
“The fact that Sarah Palin is a very good indication that Bob Brown signed right on.”
p>A very good indication? Of WHAT?
p>”Basically, anything that does not agree with the Bible would not be taught.”
p>Gonna make comparative religion classes less interesting.
p>”You can bet he has made this promise.”
p>Yes, that’s why Sotheby’s had to cancel that skull auction – they needed it back for the secret Protocols of Zion rites that all Republicans must undergo before getting RSCC funding…
p>Looking at the Truthers supporting Coakley, it’s no wonder her campaign is so out of touch with objective reality, but inhabits a land where Curt Schilling is a Yankee, there are no terrorists in Afghanistan…
And not know the first name of your opposition with neigh but a few days left in the campaign?
Ask the geniuses at National Review Online who can’t spell Coakley’s name right.
Mind you I think both parties are compromised, led by think tanks allied to globalist interests who then distill the astroturfed fake issues by gearing them toward five year olds while telling you how you should think. Wow, does that even make sense?
p>Primary issue here though is KILLING the destroyment of all medical care in this country, Obamacare. Does that mean I want a return to the Bush policies? Far from it, then again Obama has continued and expanded upon the Bush policies.
p>Is anybody really still home? Or is it all zombinals and sheeple.