Well, how long will it take before Scott Brown's approval ratings are in the crapper? Hmmm … let's count the ways he'll get dinged up over time … This is really too easy.
- Announcing Ayla's “available”. Yech. TMI. (ding!)
- Some-dude-who-used-to-live-here Mitt Romney talks about the “political arrogance” of Democrats. He should know. Is he rehabilitated here yet? (ding)
- Gets to Washington, is the toast of guys like Mitch McConnell and Jim DeMint. (ding, dingety ding ding!)
- Ran ads attacking MC for taking money from PhRMA and insurers; Gets to DC and asks them, “You want fries with that?” (ding, ding, ding)
- Votes against clean energy jobs for MA. (ding)
- Relatedly, shows ignorance of impending climate catastrophe. (ding)
- Totally-Anti-Establishment Guy opposes Obama's banking regulation, including Obama's “user tax” on banks for the bailout. Super Size Me!
- etc.
And on and on. He's a talented politician — let's say it … but one that benefitted from a short election season and a lack of real scrutiny. By 2012 we'll still be as befuddled as we are now that he ever ended up in the US Senate.
And had to share this quote: On FB, David Guarino says “Dems who know Scott Brown keep asking, head-shaking, 'Scott Effing Brown?' He's now the Bucky Dent of MA politics.“
Update: Kos puts it very succinctly:
Either Scott Brown alienates ideologically rigid Teabaggers by casting votes with Democrats in order to shore up his standing at home; or
He votes in lockstep with the rest of his party and becomes the nation's most unpopular senator.
One or the other is inevitable. Maybe both.
joets says
Dude, she’s hot.
petr says
… during nationwide TV coverage.
p>Yech… double creepy yech.
charley-on-the-mta says
joets says
and I would say her opinion would be the only one that matters on the subject.
lynne says
That’s even yechier.
huh says
It’s notable and ironic that JoeTS is all up in arms about the word “teabagger” but so dismissive about actual creepiness. It makes him seem, well creepy.
johnd says
Keep on trucking Charley.
p>How did such a person win Charley… how?
charley-on-the-mta says
I’m quite confident, however, that his ideas are pretty damn out of step with Massachusetts. His themes are good … but he simply cannot and will not follow through on them.
petr says
… but rather that he ran a great con.
p>To quote you, from upstream… ‘Zackly’.
johnd says
but you continue to not get the message that the voters (in MA for starters) are sending. You want your people to go ram through a bill which Americans have said they don’t want.
p>From Rasmussen yesterday…
p>Now you can go hire a statistical analysts and a Democratic pollster and they will perform an autopsy on this poll and conclude Americans support the Healthcare Bill but you will be WRONG! The majority of Americans…
p>- Don’t understand the entire bill.
– Don’t like many parts of what they do understand.
– Don’t think this will save money.
– Like the Nebraska Compromise or the Louisiana purchase.
– Voters Strongly Oppose Excise Tax on ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans, Even More So When Union Members Are Exempted
p>Now if you think the way to make American happy is to ram through this existing bill, then I suggest you go for it baby. My prediction is many democratic politicians who don’t have the luxury of being wrong like you have (and were on MA voters) will be backing off and sticking their fingers in the air for some “guidance”. Nancy Pelosi needs to go and that may be the best thing that could happen for Democrats and the country!
lynne says
Sorry, thanks for playing…but if the Dems had passed a health care plan with a public option, this bill would be way popular…the antihealthcarebill sentiment is NOT because people don’t want a better, more fair, more level playing field health care system.
p>Mr. Brown is not going to go in that direction…rather the opposite…not going to go well in MA.
johnd says
As I have said all day. PLEASE continue thinking this way. Are you really serious and think Scott Brown won because the left was angry that Democrats have not gone far enough left so to punish them they help elect a Republican. Can you really say these things with a straight face?
p>If Obama and the Dem leadership go further left, then the Republicans won’t just win seats, they’ll win both houses. I think, once again, you are way out of touch with the populace. Keep it up!
obroadhurst says
“Are you really serious and think Scott Brown won because the left was angry that Democrats have not gone far enough left so to punish them they help elect a Republican”
p>I am
p>I don’t know about most others here
p>Personally, my belief is that Arianna (the other one) had it right:
johnd says
obroadhurst says
I thought you got that about me. I’m a Green —
p>and I have always opposed this health care bill.
p>It is a fact that nearly all voters for Obama who voted for Brown or stayed home did so primarily because they viewed the Democrats as failing their base and their principles.
stomv says
I stopped reading. So did most.
p>Quit coming here and posting assholish posts. It’s old. Grow up, and act like you’ve won an election before.
johnd says
We haven’t won too many elections so we don’t know how to act. If anyone is “assholish” it is you and the other sour pusses here who are developing every theory on the loss except the right one. You are all going to have to wake up and smell the coffee at some point.
p>You are so out of touch with the country it is pathetic. The echo chamber I face here does a wonderful job of staying in lockstep with each other but your mistake is that you are ALL wrong on issues.
p>Keep it up, it worked wonderful for us on Tuesday.
stomv says
– Don’t understand the entire bill.
– Don’t like many parts of what they don’t actually understand.
– Don’t think this will save money.
– Didn’t Like the Nebraska Compromise and don’t realize that part of the bill has been removed nor the Louisiana purchase despite the fact that they don’t understand that Louisiana has a different health care system, has had it since at least Huey Long, and as a result has different formulas for other federal health programs including (IIRC) Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, etc.
johnd says
Keep trying but you CANNOT stop the wave of anger and displeasure with your quips.
petr says
p>Neither can you. That you don’t, at this point, wish to stop the wave matters little. When the worm turns, it’ll turn on you too… Or, in the words of Senator-elect Brown erstwhile hero, JFK: “Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger, wound up inside…”
johnd says
The worm never stops turning or as Obama said yesterday…
p>The wave will roll on and I hope it removes the wacko left (Ried and Pelosi) from destroying our country and restores financial sanity. I’m actually very happy with a balanced Congress and not any one side having too much power.
edgarthearmenian says
bushwah. You don’t travel in the common guy circles; if you did you would know that these are faux leftist issues. And, Charley, (cf. Evergreen Solar) where the heck are all these newfangled green jobs that are going to boost our economy? Have a little humility today and perhaps reassess some of the assinine positions which caused Martha’s loss yesterday. And I didn’t even mention that so-called health reform fiasco.
stomv says
What, do you think that wind turbines install themselves? Insulation installs itself? Mass transit drives itself? Green Guild is an example of a local small business which employs working people for green jobs. Another one is JohnT001‘s ‘g’ Green Design Center. Then, of course, there are all the tradesmen who are working on LEED buildings, everyone from tinbangers to roofers to landscapers.
p>Green jobs? Yeah, they’re for real.
huh says
JohnD is not a gracious winner. Let the pointless gloating begin!
edgarthearmenian says
Be honest and reassess some of your positions. Some of your beliefs re the economy and health care are leftitst tripe. You will not win elections with that nonsense anymore than the right would win by trumpeting the themes of the religious fanatics.
huh says
You too often come into discussions having already decided what people’s opinions are. Its why your cheerleading for JohnD is so sad and scary.
p>I’l bet you you don’t even know what my position on health care is…
edgarthearmenian says
Just what is your position? You know what mine is: universal health care for all via a VAT.
huh says
I personally favor something more along the lines of Canada. especially single payer, public/private mix, and mandatory insurance for medically necessary care. I’m a huge believer that preventative medicine saves lives.
p>Having lived in England, I do find their system superior to ours. It may be multi-tier, but so is ours and I found the National Health Service easier to deal with than the HMO coverage I had in the states.
edgarthearmenian says
My family and I had nothing but trouble with Harvard-Pilgrim for years. In one case my wife had to wait 8 months to get a referral for a wrist operation. Doesn’t the English system require the same kind of “gate-keeping” referral system?
huh says
I never once to had to deal with a situation like I recently did with UHC. I had a referral from my PCP, a note from the referred physician saying I needed the referral, but still had to get signoff from an insurance company specialist.
peter-porcupine says
Scott never HAD the ‘ideologically rigid TeaParty members (sic)’. In fact, Carla Howell sent a THREE PART mass email to rally people to vote against him.
p>OTHER less purist TeaParty members? Yeah, he got them. But once again, Massachusetts ain’t Mississippi or Missouri. TeaParty folks from there don’t vote here, and the ones that do vote here are considered half-camomile by some national types. Liberty Caucus voters here will support Scott.
huh says
Jay Fitzgerald is one of the shallowest thinkers in local political blogdom, but even he noticed how bad Brown’s speech was:
p>I think in the days ahead, people will wake up to what they actually voted for and be very depressed.
lynne says
LMAO – how apt, and exactly right.
edgarthearmenian says
petr says
… about our politics and even about our political opponents.
p>You can disagree, but I think that a Martha Coakley victory would have been better for me and even much better for you.
edgarthearmenian says