In 1920 Massachusetts US Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,Sr. cast the deciding vote in the US Senate to kill President Woodrow Wilson’s Treaty to join The League of Nations essentially killing The League of Nations.
If elected next Tuesday, Scott Brown could become the next Henry Cabot Lodge and cast the decisive vote to kill President Obama’s Health Care Reform.
It took another 25 years and another World War for the United Nations to come into reality.
Scott Brown, if elected, could play the same desructive roll as did Henry Cabot Lodge in 1925. Lodge’s obstructive behavior set the wheels in motion for another world war.
Scott Brown’s obstructive vote would also set the wheels in motion to bring about the collapse of health care in this country.
Massachusetts United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,Sr. name is eponymous with failure and destructive behavior.
Will Massachusetts history repeat itself if it elects Scott Brown?
the Obama Administration’s healthcare “reform” bill is a total disaster. An awful lot of people will either lose what they’ve got entirely, or be forced to rachet down any healthcare plans that the’ve already purchased for themselves. Plus, the whole idea of getting heavily fined by the IRA if one doesn’t buy healthcare insurance is just totally ludicrous, to boot.
p>The Democrats are once again in the process of self-destructing, if they haven’t already, and, it’s their own fault if we end up with a guy like Scott Brown as a US Senator, or a Republican Administration, with the possibility of Sara Palin being at the helm, in 2012.
p>Obama brought this situation on himself by picking the kind of people that he did, and, even before the last POTUS election, voting for the FISA Bill, and by his war votes (continued funding for our war on Iraq, escalating and expanding our war on Afghanistan.), and by his positions in the pre-election debate on Foreign Policy between Obama and McCain, about going in and killing Al Qaeda, and “going in and kicking some butt”.
p>If that wasn’t enough, Obama didn’t do a thing to earn that Nobel Peace Prize. Still more disgusting was his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech advocating the acceptance of continued war. If I’d closed my eyes, I could’ve sworn that it was G. W. Bush or John McCain talking there.
p>Obama also wants another 33 billion dollars for our present war effort.
p>Frankly, as disgusting as it is, I really don’t expect any better of this present Administration, which has turned out to be little, if any better than his predecessor(s).
it could spell disaster.