Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative in NH has done 115 solar installations in the last few years.
Seacoast Area Renewable Energy Initiative in the Piscataqua region on Maine and NH has begun doing solar barnraisings.
Coop Power in Western MA did more than a dozen solar barnraisings in the Fall of 2008 and continues doing them as well as organizing in other areas around the state and region.
Grid Alternatives has offices in LA, San Diego, and Fresno and done solar barnraisings as far away as Oakland.
Thirty years ago, during the last “energy crisis,” there were also solar barnraisings. Here’s one that’s kept on working since 1980:…
More solar information at Solarray
cross posted at,
Save the enviornment, sure but kill the method, the carbon footprint method. I can’t/won’t give any energy to the dark side, the globalized rationing of energy via the Bernie Madoff bank of carbon credits.
All things which of course don’t exist.…
The Weather Modification Bill…
Zero emissions is my standard rather than the carbon footprint. Zero emissions, zero waste in a system where waste equals food, we use only available solar income, love all the children, and respect diversity.
p>That’s what I’m shooting for myself.
I think they’re both great goals… but how do you deal with the emissions (and/or carbon footprint) of products before they enter your domain? For example, even if you eat 100% of the beef steak that enters your home*, surely you understand that the meat has a substantial emissions/C-footprint, right?
p>I don’t mean to suggest that the goal isn’t worth pursuing, or that you’ve got to be perfect for this to be worthwhile. Just curious, ‘sall.
p> * Ignoring the annoying piece of styrofoam and clear plastic packaging of course. Maybe gmoke’s got an old timey butcher who wraps in paper.
I try my best but the standard is actually for the society and the culture. We spend a lot of time debating 550 ppm of CO2 or 450 ppm or 350 ppm as well as determining acceptable levels of various toxic materials. The standard should be zero. Zero as a goal for continuous improvement that’s what I mean.
For those who haven’t been to one of these before they’re great even for (perhaps especially for?) those who don’t have any experience.
p>You walk away with skills you can use in your own, your family’s, your neighbor’s homes to help save money, energy and the environment.
p>Any Arlington (or surrounding area) folks reading this that want to find out about upcoming Arlington weatherization events drop me a line or meet at the above event in Somerville Sunday (where I’ll be leading a team.)