(The recording offered a phone number that began with area code 312 (Chicago) though the Caller ID said it was from Washington DC 202-747-7306, which I called and that number was false.)
The right wing lobbying interests from outside Mass must be pouring money into Scott Brown’s campaign.
Please share widely!
gop1776 says
is that he is noted for not doing his homework on such bills and is often caught flatfooted when called out on how he voted or what he filed.
kathy says
Thank you for educating this heathen on what commandment they’re breaking. I plan to call their HQ on Monday at 312-201-6559 to let them know that their robocall is a big fat lie.
trickle-up says
Nun? Prop.
Rape victim? Prop.
p>If this seems familiar, consider:
Ground Zero? Prop.
U.S. Flag? Prop.
amberpaw says
Rather different that being willing to go head-to-head and fight for the little guy like Martha Coakley has done going head to head with the CJAM
farnkoff says
Providing emergency contraception to rape victims? A damnable offense. I don’t understand how these people think- and if members of the Catholic hierarchy is encouraging this crap, then they should be ashamed of themselves.
peter-porcupine says
…but here is a transcription of Coakley’s own voice on the radio this week (which I imagine is the impetus for the call):
p>Since I have zero clue how to embed an audio clip, here is a link to Pajamas Media. And of course, on Instapundit, Red Mass, etc. as well.
p>Not a newspaper quote – her speaking herself.
tony-p says
In this country, you have the right to choose your religion. On these internets, you have the right to choose your handle. Absolute, inalienable rights both.
p>What you DON’T have in this country is the right to impose your religion on other people. In particular, you don’t have the right to impose on your employer — e.g. a hospital emergency room — your own personal work rules based on your religion. You DO have the right to NOT TAKE a job that requires you sometimes to do things your God forbids. A candidate who points that out is giving reasonable advice.
p>My advice to Our Obedient Servant, Peter Porcupine, Republican is offered in the same reasonable spirit as Martha Coakley’s advice to seekers of “religious freedom” was. I would not FORBID a condom-factory owner to hire a Porcupine, if they could work out a suitable arrangement between themselves. But since a lack of pinholes is an important requirement of condoms, I would suggest with all due respect that Peter may be better off looking for a different line of work in the first place.
mr-lynne says
… white supremacist churches religiously free to deny vaccines to non-whites. Jehovah’s witnesses religiously free to not give blood transfusions. Pastafarians religiously free to deny organ donations to catholic priests and nuns.
p>How about we just all be free not to take jobs we can’t perform because of religious convictions (or any other reason)?