The problem is, there’s also a flood. And the waters are rising. We know that too.
It’s getting desperate. People are panicking. The fire is licking at the walls, and the floodwaters are at the door. Our options are running out.
Our friends and neighbors have lost their jobs, and are losing hope that relief is coming. Meanwhile there are powerful and maniacal forces that are seeking to destroy us. It’s like a bad dream.
The Republicans are urging everyone to stay in the building, to go to the higher floors, maybe in the hope that the flood might put out the fire. Or maybe in some hope that we can get to the roof and benefit from some divine rescue. Celestial helicopters, perhaps.
The Democrats, led by Barrack Obama, are urging everyone to leave the burning building. Maybe look for boats, or find a way to higher ground.
And most of us realize, deep down, that either way we’re screwed. The devastation of the fire and the flood will change our lives as we know it. We’ve lived a charmed existence for quite a while now, spending money we didn’t have, enjoying our superior position in the world with comfort and assurance, as if it was our birthright. But it isn’t, and it wasn’t. There is a great leveling going on, on a cyclical and a global scale. It was inevitable. It’s time from the rest of the developing world to get their share of the good life.
This is no more the fault of the Republicans than it is of the Democrats. Sure, the Republicans help grease the skids over the last few years, hastening the slide to economic collapse, but we were going to get to this point eventually.
So what do we do? Do we heed the exhortations of those who would have us stay put? Hope that the flood comes quick enough to put out the flames that surround us? Move up to the roof and hope for some magic helicopter to whisk us away? Then where are we?
Or do we follow Barrack Obama out the door, in the hope that maybe there’s a path to higher ground? Or boats. Or something that will help us survive.
Everybody is scared. They’re yelling at each other. Fistfights have broken out. Whose lead do you follow?
That’s where we are.
I’m heading for the door. I don’t quite trust the guys that are urging me to climb the stairs. After all, they were the same ones telling me not to worry about the smoke. I don’t like the feeling of sticking with the losing proposition that this burning building represents. Business as usual doesn’t usually work in desperate times.
So take the time today to chat with your neighbor or co-worker. Find out if they feel comfortable staying in a burning building. Maybe they don’t believe we can find higher ground, or boats. Maybe they figure we’re screwed anyway, and they’re afraid to follow a leader out into the great unknown. Maybe you are too.
But when the shit is hitting the fan, you have to do something. You have to keep fighting. You have to have hope.
atticus says
Scott Brown just appeared on WTKK with Margery Egan and Jim Braude.
p>He sounded just like Nixon saying, “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore” in response to press criticism.
p>Brown went on a attack against Margery Egan for quoting Scott Brown’s words back to him regarding his abortion stand.
p>Scott Brown went berserk and had a melt down on air.
p>Who said Richard Nixon is dead…………..!