If you think healthcare doesn’t matter you should know what Scott Brown would really do with it. The reason I studied what each party planned for insurance is that I heard about this: There was a company with 2000+ people. A 28 year old man in the company had a heart attack. Then 2 years later another man got cancer. They had coverage from one of the top three insurers. One day they all had to go to a meeting and were told that their insurance company had dropped the entire company but they were allowed to stay on Cobra for (for 18 months I think) until the company found insurance. So, just because two people got sick they dropped the whole company after all those premiums all those years. I’m a diabetic and this made me wonder about my insurance so I started to study.
When no republicans–none– supported the President’s healthcare plan I knew exactly why. I felt bad that the President had to try so hard when he had no chance with them. When McCain first outlined his insurance plan he said that he would turn it over to the insurance companies as they knew best how to fix the problems. (Later he amended that a little because he was getting so much bad publicity about it.)
Wealthy Republicans have taken so much money from the insurance industry that they will never let insurance reform pass. Plus the insurance industry is now demanding that they be allowed to decide who they cover. So these wealthy Senators are going to work to take away the tax incentive for your company to cover you. Once that is gone, no company will be able to afford insurance. You will be like me, you will have to go try to qualify on your own.
So where did all the original Republicans go… they became Independents. If you look at Scott Brown’s record he has voted with the wealthy Republicans over 90% of the time. These are the truly rich and they have no intention of doing anything for anyone but themselves.
Massachusetts is used to having a Senator who fights for everyone–Ted Kennedy. He cared most about the people who were struggling. He cared about the elderly. He understood that if everyone didn’t have a job then crime was higher–if you don’t have a job you have to find a way to eat. Crime starts when jobs are lost. And no one lost more jobs than George W. Bush. If you elect Scott Brown you will send someone to Congress who cares nothing about anyone but the wealthy who support him and that shows clearly in the way he has voted so far.
This is a look at what Republicans have planned for Medicare:
From TPM
Republicans: Let’s Privatize Medicare!
By Brian Beutler – April 1, 2009, 1:27PM
This is an idea that’s been kicking around in conservative circles for some time, and it’s an expensive one. Well, it’s expensive unless you’re an insurance company, in which case it’s extremely lucrative. The goal is to phase out Medicare over time by providing new seniors with the health insurance options available under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. The FEHBP provides relatively high quality care, and most working-aged people would probably prefer its options over the ones provided by their employers. But Medicare provides similar quality of care while containing the costs of administration, and those costs are much higher at private insurance companies.
Democrats want to stop them from doing that. That is why the President fought so hard for a safety net. If Scott Brown is elected insurance reform is dead. And believe me, Scott Brown is a Republican. Sarah Palin endorsed him and he got money from that group. They only give to people who sign on to do exactly as they say.
President Obama has done more for the average American than any President since FDR. If you google “NPR, Obama, and FDR” you will find the story. I tried to copy it here but it just wouldn’t work.
If we go back to the Bush policies after one short year we are throwing America away as we know it. The economy will collapse again in very short order and no one will rescue it this time. We will have a two class society–the very rich and the very poor.
Please choose for America. Choose Martha Coakley. We must have more people who care about all Americans, not just the wealthy.