Today I voted:
To pass healthcare reform
To support Barack Obama and his progressive agenda
To continue Ted Kennedy’s legacy
I voted to protect a women’s right to choose
To give Deval Patrick a better chance at winning reelection next year
I voted to stop the ground swell of momentum that the republican party has been steadily gaining in this country
I voted against Scott Brown, who I think is a mindless Teabagger in Republican clothing
I filled in the circle next to Coakley because I cannot fathom a Republican Senator from Massachusetts. Because I think a Republican win here will be paraded around as the beginning of the end of the Democratic majority in Congress. If an joke Republican State Senator can beat the Democratic Attorney General in the most liberal state in the country, then the Republicans will carry this momentum into the 2010 elections both in state (Deval Patrick) and across the country. It will end healthcare reform, a reform we need and political battle that Obama cannot afford to lose.
I write all this for two reasons. First, I want Martha Coakley to know that she did not get my vote today. I voted for the Democratic party. She needs to know this because if she wins, she needs to step up her efforts to be the kind of politician Ted Kennedy was. No Democrat can be Ted Kennedy, but every single one of them should try their best to be like him. I want a fighter, a leader, “a passionate progressive” as my favorite candidate from the primary would say.
My second reason for this post is to tell everyone else out there who feels the way I do about this sad excuse for a democratic campaign to GET OVER IT! This election is bigger than all of us. It is bigger than Martha Coakley for all of the reasons above. I truly believe that a Republican victory today could change the political landscape of this decade not just for our Commonwealth, but for the whole country.
If you are like me, do not stay home. Do not blank your ballot. Do not write in another candidate’s name. Vote and when you do, vote Coakley, not because you like her, but because this election is bigger than you, or me, or Coakley.
The Democrat must win!!!!
kbusch says
bigd says
janalfi says
ryepower12 says
But I have to admit, the prospect of having two years of Scott Brown in office suddenly made me a big, big fan of Martha Coakley. I guess the theory of relativity should extend into the political sphere, as well.
farnkoff says
Though I don’t think Coakley’s all that terrible. Politicians with any real “fight” are few and far between these days- they seem to be all about money one way or another. Look at the current crop of DINO’s and morose compromisers in Congress for evidence of this.
p>Compared to the alternative, Coakley seems like Abraham Lincoln.
the-caped-composer says
And, furthermore, compared to most of the DINOs in the Senate, Coakley is much more progressive. If she manages to pull out a victory tonight– G-d willing– she may surprise us all by being a voice of real progressivism in the Senate. After all, with a squeaker election like this, she knows that if she makes it in, she’s got work to do in terms of shoring up support from her base!
greenvtster says