Adam Reilly's got a great article about the power — and ubiquity — of conservative talk radio, yes … even in Massachusetts. He correctly faults Candidate Coakley for not bothering to show up and call in to these stations, thus giving herself an opportunity to explain herself, and blunt or divert criticism. (Call this “Massachusetts-specific contigency” #53,006.)
Look, I've been on Graham's show. I've been on Braude's NECN show, which is not softball BP, even for libs. Hey, it's challenging. But you know what? It's fun. It forces a discipline of making your point forcefully and economically — before the commercial break. I mean … if you can't do that, you just shouldn't be in politics, IMO. It's not some kind of ancillary skill — it's one of the most important for a candidate.
And when you're the governor or US Representative, the host is more likely to treat you with a modicum of respect than some blogger.
And if Dennis and Callahan (or whomever) say no, they're “not interested” in having you? Put that out in public! “Talk Show Hosts XYZ Afraid Bill Democrat Will Eat Their Lunch On Air”.
Seriously, the only thing to fear is fear itself.
Democrats running for office should be all over conservative talk radio this winter, spring, summer, and fall. Accept all invitations. If they don’t invite you, call them up and invite yourself. If they won’t have you on, humiliate them publicly for it.
p>And one more thing: do not call in. Go to the station, shake the host’s hand, and sit down in the studio with them. Accept only in-person invitations to appear.
p>At present, it appears that we cannot create a successful alternative to conservative talk radio. But we can still beat them at their own game. All we have to do is play.
That is where the “moronic parrot” quote came from …. I take full credit for that one.
p>It is challenging. It is fun – even with 800 beer drinking George W. Bush supporters glowering in my direction.
p>Jesse and I volunteered to be rapid responders and had ‘assignments’ for certain shows and personalities, as did others. A very good idea, that. But even better, right you are – for the candidates to get out there and be on Finneran’s show, Graham’s show, all over the airwaves…free and hones the message.
No accident, that first name, eh Charley? Mr. Vulnerable needs to step it up in a big way.
p>I agree with you 100%, of course. They’re going to mock you anyway. But if you go on, they will be a bit more respectful in person. And a good candidate/elected official, will be able to call out lies or just factual inaccuracies that are so common on shows like this.
p>Done well, you can even get them to agree with you on a point or two, even if minor. Then you can run around saying “(insert host name here) even agreed with me on this” at future public events.
get their news and inspiration from talk radio — including sports talk.