Our President once said that the one reason and the only reason to be involved in politics stems from a desire to get things done. As progressives, I believe, that’s what we’re in it for. As John Walsh always says, Democrats get reelected because Democrats produce results. We need to be focused like a laser beam on producing results and helping candidates who have proven they can do so.
Part of our role is going to be acting as the loyal opposition to Senator Brown’s agenda and the faction of the Republican Party that helped send him to DC. But we need to constantly reiterate what it is we stand for and double down in defense of the politicians who will stand up for what we believe in. Let’s think for a moment about what this means in the Commonwealth.
We have one of the most progressive, successful, results-driven Governors in the entire union. Let’s pull out all the stops to get him reelected and send in Constitutional officers who can help him continue the work he’s doing.
In Massachusetts we have a Democratic legislature that isn’t perfect but has produced some impressive legislation in recent years (ethics, transportation, and auto insurance reform come to mind). Let’s give them the support (and pressure) they need to keep doing their job.
And we have a solid blue Congressional delegation that is one of the most talented collections of political individuals in national politics. Let’s make sure it stays that way.
With a fresh defeat behind us and constant reminders of the poisonous anti-incumbent atmosphere across the country, it’s easy to get pissed off and turned off. It’s easy to throw in the towel in Massachusetts and focus on how frustrated we are with national trends or politicians’ apparent inability to govern in times of crisis. I know it looks ugly on the ground. But there’s no time for wound licking and we can’t let up.
There are a few other headlines I’d like to see in the newspapers here. I am fully confident that I’ll see them this fall but it’s going to take some hard work. I know you’re up to it.
p>Who’s throwing in the towel? I am more determined than ever to get people into office who will actually work for the American people. I would like to take the “poisonous anti-incumbent atmosphere across the country” and show those people that it’s the Democrats who will be on their side. Now all I need is a Democrat who is on their side.
p>I would give Governor Patrick a “C” for productivity. I am looking for a “B” minimum.
I will respond by saying that I would have been remiss if I hadn’t acknowledged the real sense of frustration voters have with national politicians right now. But I will stress the word “apparent.” Democrats are still getting things done in DC and on Beacon Hill.
p>I would disagree vociferously with your characterization of our Governor’s record. I look at government services across the board (MASSDOT, parole system, clean energy policy) and see an impressive amount of success in changing state government. Of course there’s more work to be done. That’s why he should be reelected.
Let’s work together and win back his former State Senate Seat.
The newly elected AG, Republican Ken Cuccinelli, vacated his state senate seat setting off a special election. (Senators serve for four years in VA and that chamber was not up last year.) Democratic Delegate Dave Marsden won that seat, providing a bit of a morale boost for Democrats. Now of course Marsden’s House seat is the subject of a special election, which I don’t believe has taken place yet.
I think we could really, really use a nice competitive special election victory.