Gosh, do you support Sen. Shelby's hold on all of Pres. Obama's nominees, in a brazen attempt to extort some pork for Alabama?
What's your comment, Senator? Standing pork-shoulder-to-shoulder with the distinguished gentleman from AL?
Gosh, I sure am glad sent someone to Washington to get things working again.
Please share widely!
cry me a river.
Is Massachusetts’ Junior Senator secretly moonlighting as a British MP? See upper right photo. Did he really go to Washington or was it… London!
For the “Crimson Bribe” to work, doesn’t Shelby need the other 40 GOP Senators to join him in blocking all nominees? Seems like our new Senator will have an early opportunity to show his true colors.
it appears that an hour or more has passed since you posted this.
p>Where are our “democracy is a beautiful thing” people now? The ones who went to bed last night re-imagining the swearing in of Scott Brown over and over while weeping as Leann Rimes wailed “God Bless America” throughout the darkened house?
p>I know I’m mean, but I’m just wondering.
That they and Scott Brown will come out and and decry these holds?
No expectation at all. That’s the point.
… isn’t it; Senatorial procedures aren’t, in fact, democratic.
Lee Greenwood and “God Bless the USA” for righties, or is that passe?
We got the better of the deal with Toby Keith.
I remembered the tune, but not the name. I used to like it, and still do, to a point, but the way the right has adopted it causes me heartburn whenever I hear it played. I used to like country music, and listened to it through most of the 80s and early 90s, until it became the music of the party of God and Republican brand patriotism.
Screw the Republicans and make all the appointments recess appointments. Pass everything else that we can through reconciliation. If they want to be the party of no, let’s let them freaking have it. See how many times they want to say no when we steam roll them. Any Democrat not willing to work this way with the Party of No should be challenged in their next primary. Period.
Seriously, is this the best you can come up with?
Bipartisanship: When the democratic party tells all others to bend over and take it. Yes, zip this folks!
or are you completely blind to them?
p>When a Republican Senator makes a hold on 70 Obama nominees for his pet military project in his state — taking over $100,000 in lobbyist dollars from the operators of that pet project — what the frack are Democrats supposed to do? What is the MFing alternative? Sit down and take it?
p>Obama has gone way the frack out of his way to get the Republicans to engage in bipartisanship. Unfortunately, for the 300+ million people in this country, the Republicans have decided the best way to gain control again is to become THE PARTY OF NO! If that’s how they’re going to be, then we have NO CHOICE but to take it to them. NONE. ZIPPO. Is this seeping into your brain, or has the political blindness set it again?
p>I’m TIRED of all this crap and I’m TIRED of people who are more than content to let this country be destroyed by the GOP.
Holding health care hodtage for $100 million for Nebraska is just dandy? Oh right, democrats are entitled.
I’m TIRED too. But I’m TIRED of all the liars and thieves in our state house making laws for the benefit and everlasting dominance of the democratic party and especially themselves.
But many on the left slammed him and lost appetite for HCR because of that deal. Thats the difference between right and left. We aren’t afriad to call out bad behavior on our side. But your side puts on blinders and defend whatever your officials do.
p>So, you do not approve of this game Shelby is playing do you? And you’re calling for Brown to not support it right?
I’m also tired of either party abusing the laws to benefit themselves. The difference between most liberals/Democrats and your party is we criticize those in the Party that do this. I have yet to see a single Republican admit the wrongdoings of his/her party.
Richard Nixon was a crook. Are we cool?
It only took you 40 years to admit it. I look forward to your mea culpa on Scott Brown in the year 2050.
First of all, by 2050 I will be dead and you will be voting Republican. If I am not dead before 2050, I will post a mea culpa if a Republican House Speaker is charged with corruption or if a Republican Senator stuffs one hundred dollar bills in her bra and gets caught.
How about if a GOP Senator has his parents pay hush money to his mistresses husband? Or how about if a GOP Senator hires prostitutes so they can spank him while he wears diapers? Or maybe if a GOP Senator gets arrested propositioning a cop in airport bathroom?
p>Nah, never mind all that. How about you just be honest and recognize that what Shelpy is doing and Brown is supporting is holding the Senate hostage until he gets his sweet tasty pork.
I live in America and we have elections. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don’t be a poor sport. Scott won and Marsha lost.
“Don’t be a poor sport,” followed immediately by a juvenile dig at the person who lost.
p>Says a lot about you, David — none of it good.
Relax and please lighten up.
And I stand by my previous comment.
Your moral superiority leaves me speechless. Again, I enjoyed our chat and will in the future attempt to live up to the example that you have set for all of us. I’m blessed that you are willing to guide me.
You are indeed. 😉
And now he’s a Senator and needs to answer tough questions. Looks like he and his cheerleaders aren’t up to the job. So sad.
Scott Brown has been on the job two days and now he “needs to answer tough questions.”
He sorta failed to DURING the campaign, so we need to ask them now, don’t we?
Democrats don’t like corruption either — Wilkerson was corrupt. not democrats. We were the party that booted Wilkerson out. A huge mass of people (including me) worked very, very hard to defeat her in the primary.
Check it out:
* Clean Air Act
* Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Legacy of Parks
p>These are all things that the modern GOP is constantly grumbling about. Go figure.
p>No, Nixon wasn’t a liberal… but he would fail the modern GOP purity tests, and not for his activity surrounding Watergate. To pile on, he was also a Quaker, which would likely fail a Theocon test, since after all, Quakers have always been at the forefront of equality based on gender, race, and even sexual preference. P.S. Greenpeace was founded by a couple of Quakers!
That’s the trouble with you, stomv, you’re always so concerned those darned facts.
p>I think you really need to show some more bipartisan tolerance (at least while the Republicans are under examination).
that you could admit committed wrongdoings.
That is by one Republican attacking another Republican.
I can’t resist – maybe they should be as “nice” as the Republicans have been to them?
… Senator Brown places a hold on something to win some pork for Mass!!!
p>Oh wait…. he’s not going to be allowed to do anything. His testicles are already being used as paperweights on Mitch McConnell’s desk.
To be thought of as something other than being totally into the democratic pocket. When Dick Dunbin used to count votes, he listed Massachusetts first.
Money for YOUR state: valued government assistance.
Money for every other state:PORK!
he hasn’t exactly endorsed what Shelby is doing.
p>I’m waiting for Monday, plus I want to see what he does with the resolution flushing out the GOP’s stance on privatizing social security.
p>I’m interested on how he plays this. He’s the one who pushed up being sworn in to vote, let’s see why.
just asking a simple damn question. Yes or no. Ain’t hard.
when he hasn’t done anything yet. It makes Democrats look bad, it would be better to criticize him for his actions (or lack of it) instead.
I’m reminded a bit of my comparison of how people referred to Coakley and Brown during the primary. Some of the same commenters who couldn’t refer to the Attorney General by her actual name now get all huffy when our newly minted junior Senator is even questioned.
screaming into the wind when we launch these kind of attacks. It pulls more people toward Brown. Let the guy dig is own grave, I have a feeling that there will be plenty to criticize. So why don’t we criticize him for something he’s actually done. Novel idea huh?
A generous interpretation is that discouraged Democrats trying to find a ray of hope are seeking solace in a Festival of Snark. No one, happily, is proposing that we convert this Festival of Snark into campaign ads and bumperstickers. If it’s just among us, it doesn’t matter so much.
p>I suppose this depends on how publicized you think BMG is.
makes sense.
They’re not “attacks” if they’re just a private conversation. If it’s me on the phone griping to someone else, is it a “baseless attack”? Or is it just someone griping?
p>You’re not getting my comment about the nature of the forum.
there’s nothing private about discussions here. It’s entirely reasonable to expect right wing forums to say, “Look what some Dem blog said about Brown,” and link to comments here. It isn’t “just among us,” it’s in the public space.
votes start today at 12:30, so let see hat lunchtime brings.
“back room deals,” “gumment spending,” and as an “independent voice.” It seems to me he either votes against Shelby and the Republicans on this or he’s a complete fraud. Maybe he thinks people will forget in two years, but that would be a mistake.
I just have to remind those of us who might not remember that Spiro Agnew campaigned for and won his first Maryland gubernatorial campaign as a liberal Republican, against right-leaning racist Democrat George P. Mahoney. Mr. Mahoney’s campaign slogan was “Your Home is Your Castle — Protect It”, a reference to state legislation targeting racial discrimination in real-estate transactions.
p>Mr. Agnew, of course, is not remembered as a “liberal” Republican today. Corrupt, yes, but not liberal.
p>Mitt Romney’s similar “evolution” is not dissimilar.
p>It would seem that Mr. Brown continues the tested Republican strategy of say-whatever-it-takes-to-get-elected-regardless-of-the-truth.