Today I heard about a new Facebook “fan page” called Representatives for Reform. I’d assume this page is referring to the eight or so dissidents in the House of Representatives, and it has Representatives Tom Stanley and Matt Patrick as the group’s contacts. The page’s info says: “This group has proposed a number of reforms to combat increasing power consolidation in the hands of the leadership in the House. This near-complete consolidation of power has been intensifying over years, making it more and more difficult to legislate on behalf on our districts and constituents.”
I’ve been perusing through the site, and it’s a pretty good resource with a bunch of articles regarding the reform movement – BMG is even cited!
I figure the only way we’ll ever see any reform is if regular people get behind the few legislators calling for change, and we show all the rest of the Representatives that they should join this movement. It’s an election year; we need to remind our elected officials that we want transparent government and accountability for our tax dollars. They should embrace change before their opponents do.
The page only has a few “fans” so far, so let’s all get on facebook, join the group, show our support, and hope that something will come of all this talk of reform. I think these few reps who are sticking their necks out could use some support.