White Trash America. A bunch of anti-intellectual Fundamentalists with the power of the ballot.
Be Afraid….Be Very Afraid.
How soon until America has its own Kristallnacht under the Tea Party Banner?
America Uber Alles.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
and all I get is this?!
Kathy already gave the only needed reply:
I think we’re also supposed to condemn the classicism or the anti-white racism. Otherwise we’re in for some finger wagging from the Upholders of Consistency.
If Atticus is black or something, then we’re going to have a problem.
By the time we find out, JoeTS, it could be too late!
The real tea party of had more to do with corporations and it’s relationaship with the king than JUST high taxes….reaserach history and the truth will set you free
p>The east India Tea company was the world’s largest international corporation and the Tea Act of 1773 gave this company full and unlimited access to American tea trade, and the act also EXEMPTED them from the HIGH taxes of the English Kingdom that they exported to the American tea colonies…on top of that, it gave the a tax REFUND on the millions of pounds of tea it was holding in inventory,unable to sell….THE MAIN STOCKHOLDER of the EIT company was none other than the King himself….due to the comapnies smaller overhead, it was able to put “mom and pop” american tea comapnies out of business, because of course they still had to pay the HIGH TAX…thus taxation without representation….and the rest we know is history.