This is the latest edition of Scott WRONG Brown.
“To think we’d give people who want to kill us constitutional rights and lawyer them up at our expense, instead of treating them as enemy combatants to get as much information as we can under legal means, it just makes no sense to me,’’ Brown said. “And it shows me that you don’t quite understand the law when it comes to enemy combatants versus terrorists versus United States citizens.
… and of course, Brown supports use of waterboarding as, in his weasel words, an “enhanced interrogation technique”.
WASHINGTON — Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a jetliner bound for Detroit on Dec. 25, started talking to investigators after two of his family members arrived in the United States and helped earn his cooperation, a senior administration official said Tuesday evening.
“The intelligence gained has been disseminated throughout the intelligence community,” the official said, adding, “The best way to get him to talk was working with his family.”
His family? We should waterboard them too — see if they'll give anything up.
Torture exists for the purpose of extracting false confessions. Even Khalid Sheikh Muhammad gave up whatever useful information he had before he was waterboarded 183 times, which drove him stark raving mad.
Brown's position is immoral and cowardly, sure, but it's also ineffective; a fake macho pose of toughness.
Get used to it.
All form, no substance. To the best of my knowledge, no one has yet posed the critical question: why didn’t he go all the way in that or some other full frontal shot. What, exactly, was he hiding.
As far as I know, Scott Brown hasn’t said that the underpants bomber should be water boarded. But the truth is bad enough – he supports treating US citizens as enemy combatants. I wrote a Gold Mass Group post about this:…
(listen to the talk radio clip)
p>I think the guys we picked up in Afghanistan should be treated as enemy combatants, but people arrested on US soil should always be subject to the Constitution. Brown’s cavalier attitude towards Constitutional rights for US citizens really amazes me.