This evening a poster called Magna Vox posted a disturbing and vicious post that was deleted by Bob, David, or Charlie. So did the poster lose his/her rights to post in the future and if not, why not? I seek guidance.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
billxi says
Made what I considered a threat on my life. My posts were eliminated too. I applaud the editors. Both our posts lent nothing to intelligent discussion of the issues.
magna-vox says
Please go back on your anti-dilusional meds.
p>As to the report of a romance between the public figure -the former police chief of Braintree that information was broadcast on WTKK last week. Old and not shocking news.
billxi says
Now you’re maing me look good. That’s not easy on BMG.Keep going.
magna-vox says
you are dilusional… đŸ˜‰
p>Can’t we all just get along?
johnny-reason says
That “affair” post is not what I was referring to. Your comment was digusting and you desreve to go post on PMG with John Howard. Slandering people just because you don’t agree with their politics is bad form.
magna-vox says
And what is PMG?
johnny-reason says
You know exactly what was said.
magna-vox says
Sullivan v N.Y Times.
christopher says
…that this site is not a government entity and as such not subject to prohibitions of censorship, right? BTW, what is it with Latin names and hurling insults? “I Am Sparticus” danced all over Robert McNamara’s grave; Atticus can’t keep his derogotory comments to himself; now Magna Vox is attacking people both on and off the site. We should criticize forcefully when we disagree as that is what this site is all about, but I for one prefer that if you can’t say something nice about someone…
kathy says
Personal attacks, no issues discussed, rehashing of flames, etc.
p>If people can’t engage in civil discussion of the issues, why don’t they go to the Yahoo messsage boards or comments section, which contain flames, racism, sexism, homophobia and conspiracy theories which seem to be right up some of these posters’ alleys?
magna-vox says
dancing on Robert MacNamara’s grave?
Want to make sure the bastard stays dead.
Probably the fires of Hell make it the hotest grave site in the cemetery. Should be easy to find – it is the grave without any snow or frost on it !
kbusch says
vox clamantis in deserto.
paulsimmons says
It’s better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than post and remove all doubt.
p>As a private site, the moderators have every right to censor, restrict access, etc.
p>That said, in the absence of physical threats and personalized abuse, it never hurts to have these folks in front of God and everybody.
p>Given some of the more judgemental (IMHO) comments I see from time to time – including my own – I specifically exempt (for the record) principled conservatives like JohnD who make me spend mental sweat equity considering their posts.