It’s a shame that Eliot Spitzer so thoroughly embarrassed himself a while back. The guy really is one of the few people who can speak forcefully and knowledgeably about what went wrong in the financial markets and what is needed to fix them. This is an excerpt from an extended interview with Spitzer from a few days ago – the whole thing is available here.
Can Spitzer be rehabilitated to the point where he can serve in public office again? Or is he forever limited to commenting from the sidelines? I have a feeling it’s the latter, but even then, he’s a serious voice who should have a wider audience.
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
to run again. The remarkable thing about humanity is its willingness to forgive and forget after a few years. Remember when America hated Hillary Clinton? Or how about what they thought of Ronald Reagan? Back in the 80s, he was not remembered as the bestest President ever… he had middling approval numbers and a large swath of the country disapproved of the job he did (for good reason). It wasn’t after till people forget about all the horrible things he did that he became Mr. Sunny Sunshine. In the grand scheme of things, what Spitzer did was a drop in the bucket compared to Iran Contra, Reagan’s support of apartied in S. Africa or his refusal to acknowledge and work against HIV/AIDS for the vast majority of his administration.
p>The road isn’t always easy and Spitzer would have to stay focused on the issues — address the elephant in the room no more than once, at the very beginning of the campaign, in a way that stays focused in the present. He was incredibly stupid, but he really is one of the few politicians who ‘gets it’ — and we don’t have enough of them. Given that he had the decency to step down, when many in his place would have stayed on and even won reelection (behold the power of incumbency), I really wouldn’t mind seeing his name pop up in the campaign rumor lists.
patricklong says
David Paterson proved how little sex scandals matter when he took office and right away was like “yeah I cheated on my wife too.”
p>Everyone hates him now b/c they hate all incumbent Governors, but that’s a separate issue.
p>Spitzer for NY Gov in 2018!
david says
but he didn’t pay for it.
stomv says
out of busting criminals involved in the corruption of gambling, cheating, and prostitution, and then grandstanding.
somervilletom says
that all of us “pay for it”, one way or another … đŸ™‚
christopher says
…he DID win re-election by an electoral and popular landslides.
joets says
Is that he paid a lot of money to get something he could get for free.
p>To me, people like that do not belong in government.
sabutai says
They belong in Wall Street Finance.
lasthorseman says
What is up with media advancing this not corrupt just wrong theme. Having nothing left to loose means not having to be politically correct. Twice now it has been applied to major parts of the evil Illuminati Plan to Destroy America
p>Global warming not only wrong but the greatest Satanically inspired con ever advanced on mankind.
p>Tim CFR Geithner who wants nothing more than the worst aspects post modern dystopian global totalitarianism for the sole benefit of 30 super rich Davos Dweebs. Beyond corrupt, Satan inspired and galactically wrong.
joets says
using a lottery as a draft chooser for basketball?
bob-neer says
Cabinet making, say, or restoration of medieval manuscripts. On his recent speech on ethics at Harvard, NY Daily News:
p>Not Prof. Lessig’s finest moment.
john-gatti-jr says
Spitzer broke the hearts and hopes of all who advocate accountability, oversight, and ethics in Government. Labor, and Business.
p>Reformers are disappointed…..Will he be able to comeback?
daves says
for Mr. Spitzer to just go away? Maybe BMG PAC could pay him to keep quiet.