— Join the Impact MA, Anti-Violence Project of Massachusetts, and Other Groups to Rally Thursday to Oppose the American-Inspired Ugandan “Kill the Gays” Bill
WHAT: LGBT organizations are mobilizing nationwide in conjunction with the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, sponsored by the secretive right-wing network, the so-called “Family,” which is tied to the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill (“AHB”) pending in the Ugandan Parliament. See http://www.alternet.org/rights… In Boston, there will be a protest rally, while in Washington and in other cities, there will be “American Prayer Hours” to support religious tolerance. http://www.americanprayerhour….
WHO: The Boston Rally is co-sponsored by the Anti-Violence Project of Massachusetts and Join the Impact MA, with the participation of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation, Truth Wins Out, Somerville-based Political Research Associates, and the Gay/Straight Alliance of Brookline High School. Speakers will include the Rev. Kapya Kaoma, who authored a report documenting activities by American fundamentalists to export homophobia to Africa-Globalizing the Culture Wars.
WHY: To expose and denounce the homophobia of groups like the “Family,” to demand that the US Government step up efforts to stop the AHB, and to demand political asylum for LGBT refugees from Uganda. Organizers draw inspiration from writer Émile Zola’s famous J’Accuse, addressed to the President of the French Republic in 1898, which denounced anti-Semitism in connection with the infamous Dreyfus Affair.
WHERE: In front of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Government Center at the corner of Cambridge and Sudbury Streets in downtown Boston.
WHEN: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 5:30 PM
That would be where I suggest protesting. I’ve also defended the prayer breakfast in the past, but this connection to The Family that I’m now learning about is prompting second thoughts. I wish a major media outlet would investigate this organization, which owns a house on C Street in DC where some members of Congress stay.
… has culled together several stories on the Family and Uganda.
…on her show that I heard more about this. However, as I’m sure our friend JohnD would be quick to point out, hers tends to be a preach to the choir show. I was looking for something from one of the big three networks or major paper like NYT or WaPo.
The protest is aimed more at the American anti-gay activists who provided the impetus for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill at a hate conference in Kampala last March. Somerville-based Political Research Associates has written a report on the campaign to export recycled American homophobia to Africa, entitled Globailizing the Culture Wars.
p>The New York Times gave the issue good coverage early last month. See http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01…