Wall Street — the crooks that control our country.
Leaders of the fraud PAC: Greenspan – Summers – Rubin – Levitt – Geithner
makes you wonder what the hell some of these people are doing in influential positions in our
Bill Clinton doing what talking heads say we need: reaching across the aisle and
supporting Republican policies. Listening to so-called “experts” and making the decision
to leave it their hands.
But what’s up with Obama, and our current Democratic majority? Haven’t learned
a big enough lesson yet? Or is there a power play here beyond anything that
we can imagine. The tortoise pace at which regulation is being crafted and implemented
makes you wonder. What is going on?
I can say it’s well worth listening to. The history is eminently worth the retelling.
p>As to your question, libertarians, like Greenspan and his teacher Ayn Rand, can have an odd sort of detachment from reality. (“How many libertarians does it take to change a light bulb?” “None: If the light bulb needed to be changed, market forces would change it.”)
let the market do it’s work or “go shopping”. I am so incredibly curious about the results. Our elected officials, sitting in their happy bubble still listening to “the experts”, are convinced that all is well and we are on the edge of a turnaround. I just can’t see it. I think it’s one last push for big profits on wall street and then the final and most disruptive crash is going to happen. With those “in the know” pulling their funds in advance, while the outsiders (retirement accounts, individual investors) falling in the crash.
p>You would think that after the government had to step in and save what “market forces” destroyed, there would be a lock step in a different direction.
Little do you realize!
p>If you want detachment from reality just check out: “Nth round on unpopular health care boondoggle while D’s crash and unemployment is around 10%”
of policy and politics.
oh KB how I wish you would Teach me some day!
and I won’t have to.
There’s considerable evidence offered on this show from Frontline that Greenspan, during his libertarian/Randian period (i.e., most of his career) told Brooksley Born that fraud didn’t have to be regulated because the market would take care of it.
p>On direct questioning from in Congress, Greenspan admitted years later that his libertarian views were, in fact, detached from reality. Watch it. You can see him actually saying that.
p>Our diarist seemed to be hypothesizing that the anti-regulation views of Rubin, Greenspan, and Summers back in the late nineties could be due to their being pro-fraud, i.e., if not criminal, at least enabling criminal activity.
p>It’s more generous to suggest that they held their views out of a wrong-headed ideological commitment — as Greenspan himself admitted.
Poor devil.
Take your pick:
p>1. Yes we can
p>2. 50 – through reconciliation
p>3. The lightbulb is fine
p>4. Green energy and green jobs will replace the lightbulb
p>5. Lets not forget the right to organize, and a living wage
p>7. Its Bush’s fault.
belongs in the Libertarian’s category.
the progressives, none. They don’t have to change their lightbulbs, they’re using long-life CFL’s.
p>and the republicans…two. One to mix the martini’s and one to call the electrician.
p>in my home, one. I change it myself.
With political will, which is currently in short supply among the bought-and-paid-for leadership of both parties, the safeguards that permitted stable markets for 30 years after the New Deal could be restored.
Oh Mr Ben Bernanke, where did the stimulus money go?
I am not going to tell you.