Newly named Harvard University Institute of Politics Fellow (yes, Fellow) Ernest J. Istook, Jr., former GOP U.S. Rep. from Oklahoma, graduate of Baylor, and Distinguished Fellow at The Heritage Foundation will lead study group this Thursday (2/25) on “Propaganda in Today’s American Politics.”
Increasingly, much of the public believe they are being deliberately misinformed, deceived and manipulated by the information coming from the government, from elected officials, and from political groups. . . Attendees will benefit by learning to distinguish the trustworthiness of political claims and of information they recieve through the media.
Sounds good, eh?
And look at Istook’s guest list for this study group and future ones:
What an incredible line-up! Boy, if you want to learn everything about propaganda at the knees of the right-wing experts, this is the place to be.
But, wait a gosh darn second!!! What happened to fair and balanced? OMG!!! Do you think Fox’s “fair and balanced” could be PROPAGANDA!!!!
Where are David Brock and Bill Moyers when you really need them?
Dogma red or dogma left. Which brand of KoolAid do you prefer?
Redstate and dailykos both ban 911truth