The Tea Party Express is also reporting
Harry Reid Supporters Egg Tea Party Express Buses in Route
Supporters of Senator Harry Reid have just thrown eggs at the Tea Party Express bus caravan – striking at least one of the three buses (the red Tea Party Express bus) with multiple eggs.
About 35 Reid supporters had lined Highway 95 in front of the Nugget Casino in Searchlight where they were attempting a counter-demonstration the tens of thousands of tea party supporters who are gathering for the “Showdown in Searchlight.”
(Note the sloppiness of this accusation. Might someone other than a supporter of the not-terribly-liberal Senator Reid throw an egg at a Tea Party Express Bus bringing lots of people into a small town?)
In any case, I thought you might want to know the latest theme bouncing around on the right. I’m reminded of Billmon’s recent Spock with a Beard post.
huh says
…and then whined when people felt her book was inappropriate for the Manzanar Museum.
p>I mean gosh, all she was arguing was that Japanese Americans DESERVED to be locked up. How could people possibly find that offensive?
p>Some things never change.
lasthorseman says
Here we have the ejection of “dissenters” from of all things a McCain rally.
The left is perhaps more intellectual about it’s censorship of real topics. Best example is dailykos and 911 truth, and other assorted nonPC left topics.
p>I’m thinking.
And this…
lynne says
Are you for real?
p>Dailykos is a PARTISAN site for electing Democrats. People VOTE for their favorite stories to promote (like here, only 100’s of thousands of users). Therefore, anything written by conservatives isn’t going to rise to the top. That is NOT censorship, no one is under the illusion that it’s not a partisan site, and it operates EXACTly as advertised.
p>And WTF is 911 truth?? It IS NOT a mainstream site, not even a fringe site, it’s not ever cited by any liberal I know, not any mainstream blog, or news source. I had to google it to know WTF you were talking about, if I even found what you are talking about. Our “truthers” are far, far, far more outside of mainstream Democratic movements than their crazy ass counterparts, the birthers, it’s not even funny.
p>And if you’re saying that by marginalizing truthers, we’re “censoring,” you’re crazier than I thought.
p>You know, your comments are just so outside of reality, I never know what to make of you.
lynne says
“Therefore, anything written by conservatives” should be “Therefore, anything written by conservatives or the crazy side of Democrats”
trickle-up says
like wingnut whining.
p>Being a victim part of the pathology’s odd appeal.
peter-porcupine says
hrs-kevin says
huh says
Did you know a Democrat did something wrong once?
p>THAT’s what’s important.
p>It’s a game PP never tires of playing.
lynne says
in finding reality-based, real solutions to our problems.
kbusch says
Consider Sarah Palin. She has no discernible expertise in any national issue. No one can say, “Elect Sarah Palin because she knows how to fix X.” When quizzed on what she stands for, people waiting for her to sign her book are just plain stumped. Her sole schtick is how Sarah Palin — and possibly those like Sarah Palin — have been scorned by the elites.
p>Liberal politicians, by contrast, can be accused of nursing other people’s wounds, but rarely their own.
christopher says
We’re moonbats, not wingnuts!:)