I think this is fabulous news.
Gov. Deval Patrick says he’s “open” to doing battle in the lion’s den of conservative talk radio…. [Said Patrick:] “I’m proud to be a Democrat. But I didn’t run to be governor of the Democrats. I’m not running to be governor of the Democrats this time.”
A Patrick aide said the governor’s advisers are even considering putting him on with Howie Carr, the Herald columnist and WRKO-AM (680) afternoon-drive gabber who many Bay State liberals and Patrick backers consider public enemy number one.
As Charley and I said a few weeks back, this is a great idea. There’s very little downside — of course the host and many of the callers are going to be hostile. They’re hostile already. But the upside is considerable, because a lot of the listeners who don’t call in, but who listen to WRKO and WTKK regularly, are persuadable. If Howie, Michael, and the rest of the gang are never challenged, then the message is completely one-sided, and those listeners are lost. But if the Gov goes on and makes his case in person, you may just get some of those folks to listen, and to realize that their hosts have not been telling them the whole natural truth.
I do adore the self-importance of these talk radio guys, though. Check this out.
“Sure, I’ll have anybody on,” said Carr. “He has to call me. That’s the deal.”
HAHAHAHA!! No, Howie. The Governor comes on your show when he wants to. That’s the deal. I will say, as I’ve said before, that I think it is much better for the Gov to do these appearances in-studio rather than via call-in. You go into their house, you shake the host’s hand, you sit down, and you have a conversation. Governor Patrick does that better than anyone. It’s worth the extra time out of the schedule to get right in their faces.
And then there’s this:
WTKK afternoon-drive host Jay Severin said he’s never invited Patrick on his show. “No, this governor has never appeared, nor has he ever been invited to appear on my show. The reason: candor,” Severin wrote in an e-mail. “Should he ever appear, my duty to my audience (and myself) would be a series of brutal questions.”
Ooooooh, “brutal questions.” I’m sure the Gov is shaking in his booties. Please. Jay, you seriously think the Gov can’t handle your little radio show? The truth is, you can’t handle the truth. To coin a phrase.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to this. It’s good for the Governor, and it’s good for the process. Bring it on.
p>This is a great point, keep your friends close and enemies closer. You go on the Howier Carr show but call into Jim Braudy. Stare down the bully.
I have done live mike with, say, Jay Severin and loved it. My favorite part was getting Jay to say he would vote for “W” even if he WAS a moronic parrot. I did live mike several times as a rapid responder and would be glad to do it again, anytime, call in or in person.
p>And I agree – in studio, or at the site (sometimes these guys go on the road) – it is best in person though call in is better than giving the talking heads a pass to rant without any push back.
Michele Mcphee is the type of name that gives many liberals chills but she is a pretty good example as to how a conservative can be won over. As much as she goes after most of the Democratic establishment every so often there is a person on our side that she really just adores. Normally it is because she has worked with him/her in the past on other issues (anti bullying, tolls, cop issues) and that was enough to convince her that this person is a good person.
David is spot on … do it face-to-face, in-house.
p>I think this is a great move by the governor, and I’m clearly on the other side of the aisle from him. I would give him pluses for doing this — shows personal courage and conviction of his policy choices.
p>It also expands political discourse and stimulates competitive political ideas. Always good for the body politic.
p>I think you will be surprised to find callers respectful though certainly unafraid to voice their concerns and disappointments, maybe even let off steam without getting personal or insulting. (As a conservative, I would be very upset with any flame-throwers that get by the call-in screener.)
Deval has only to gain from addressing these listeners, and it’s smart on his part to make an effort. I’d almost like a flame thrower to get past the call screener – it would give the Gov a chance to address some feelings that many listeners may harbor. He’s a thoughtful, charismatic guy and hopefully he could provide some food for thought. I’ll certainly be listening in.
I totally agree that this is a great idea.
p>One of the reasons I really was put off by Martha Coakley was her refusal to sit down for substantial discussions.
To people I absolutely am tired of-Howie Carr and Deval Patrick. That side it would make for great radio. I would like to see Deval challenged by an actual critic and I would love to see Howie forced to actually confront the people he loves to blast from up on high. It should bring them both back to Earth.