If you listen to the pundits and the Republican talking heads, you would think that Massachusetts has abandoned its progressive values. That the Massachusetts candidates who voted for healthcare reform will be driven out of office to be tarred and feathered in the public square. That the Tea Baggers who make thinly veiled racist comments on public websites are better organized than the Progressive Movement in the birthplace of this nation. | ||
I have shared blood, sweat and tears on the political battlefield with many of you. We turned certain defeats into impossible victories that will not be surpassed in our lifetime. I am writing to ask for your help in drafting one of our own in the 9 th Congressional district. Not a politician but a political activist that many of you have worked with; a mother of two who is frustrated with Rep. Lynch’s willingness to let this historic opportunity for healthcare reform slip away. | ||
We need to convince Harmony Wu that she should run for the 9 th Congressional seat. This will send a message to the all the Nay-sayers and political insiders that Massachusetts is still the most liberal state in the union. In Kennedy country the only wrong vote on healthcare reform was a NO VOTE! | ||
“The work begins anew, the hope rises again and the dream lives on” Uncle Teddy |
Please share widely!
Well, neither am I.
p>The Democrats should have gone for broke and pushed Medicare for All instead of this.
p>When a politician tries to change anything big, like health care, the talking heads present them as a merger of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and The Devil. Accept it, and move on.
p>Medicare for All would mean care for EVERYONE at no or low cost.
p>It would have eliminated the immoral, disgusting insurance companies who make money by denying sick people care.
p>It would have given so many people a reason to vote Democratic (free/low cost health care for me and my family).
p>There would also be no lawsuits based on the unconstitutionality of mandated purchasing with Medicare for All.
p>Still, the bill that was voted on is good because it eliminates the pre-existing conditions. The pool of people for the insurance company will be the GERNERAL PUBLIC and not a subset of 18-25 year old, fit to slim nonsmokers in great shape with no medical conditions.
p>I believe that after a few months of this, there should be a new effort for Medicare for All. I believe that, in the absense of fake outrage (which is the majority of elections), many “swing” voters will vote for those who seem to be covering their economic bases. And that kind of health coverage will eliminate the worries of a LOT of people.
Even before Senator Kennedy passed away, it was not going to be easy to round up the right wing of the Senate Democrats to pass “Medicare for All” or Single Payer — or, failing those, a public option. Part of this is that the Democratic Party just does not hammer issues the way the Republicans do. And MoveOn alone, bless their hearts, has neither the resources nor prestige needed to win over public opinion on health care reform.