Trash journalism, trash society.
I was looking for some grandma getting tazed but I will settle for this.…
Should we start saying, I am Sparticus, I am Joe Stack? To be Tea Party is to be fed up with government that does not listen to us. Gun sales and ammo shortages should testify to that fact.
Please share widely!
Unnskyld meg, men jeg må advare deg om at verden kommer til å ende snart. Jeg har ord at det vil ende på rundt midnatt, men det er ikke en fast tid fordi en solenergi bluss forstyrrer signalet mitt. Mitt brev kan være litt rotete, men jeg er kort tid og jeg er ute streng. String og tape er veldig nyttig i disse tider. Sørg for å ha nok plast brytes også.
Hide in your basement – now. (6.00 / 1) Excuse me, but I must warn you that the world will end soon. I have word that it will end at around midnight, but it is not a fixed time, because a solar flare disrupts my signal. My letter can be a bit messy, but I am short of time and I am looking string. String and tape is very useful in these times. Be sure to have NOK plastic wrap too.
for its comedic value alone.
p>Here’s what I actually wrote in English:
p>So when Edgar entered the text back into Google translator, he got a pretty close approximation of my original English. Ya gotta love it.
It’s free. But you are correct; machine translations are ok for the general gist but usually contain word or phrase errors.…
Por favor, me desculpe, mas tenho de avisar que o mundo vai acabar em breve. Eu tenho a palavra que terminará por volta da meia-noite, mas isso não é uma data fixa, pois uma tempestade solar está a interferir com o meu sinal. Minha carta pode ser um pouco truncado, mas estou com pouco tempo e estou fora de cadeia. Corda e fita são muito úteis nestes tempos. Certifique-se de ter bastante plástico, também.