I have seen, as we all have, an abundance of waste with no regard for the environment. I have seen people talk the talk on crime, yet fail to make the connection to the economy and social programs.
I have seen more people attempt college only to be burned out by the bureaucracy and the lack of assistance offered. I have seen my sister, after one year of teaching in Everett, start to reconsider her career choice because of the headaches she deals with daily – not from the students. I am bearing witness to a growing number of people buried with legitimate debt who have no idea how they will ever be able to purchase a home for themselves.
I was motivated by the power of politics and the good government can do to get my undergraduate degree in politics. Recently I am re-thinking my future path working in politics.
I have seen the politically well-connected mention all of these problems and ignore the fact that they’re related. I have seen the politically well-connected make promises and fail to follow through on any of them.
Dennis Benzan was the first candidate to get me excited about this race. His website lists all the important information, but what did it for me was that he had to work to put himself through law school. He sees the connection of school and a quality of life quickly slipping away. He’s experienced it first hand, so he can truly empathize with a voter and not just tell them he understands.
For the record I grew up in an affluent town just south of New Hampshire, and my ethnicity could safely be described as a Massachusetts WASP. This race, as all races should be, comes down to the best person with the best ideas and the best vision for the future.
I apologize if the clarity didn’t shine through, but the trend will be that by electing people to office that share our values and hold the same ideals as our own, politics will start to reflect us as a people. Gone will be the times of electing the person with the most money and the most connections.
p>It may be stretching it a bit, but the reason the politicians during the revolutionary war were so effective was because they lived through and understood what was on the line for this country. Living in this district, and knowing where things are going, I want someone who knows the same things. Again, that’s why I’m voting for Dennis.
His campaign should turn this into a print ad or mailer or something.
p>and, why don’t you run for something? Really. I’d vote for ya. Unless of course you’re a nut.
The Young Democrats of Massachusetts is hosting a Meet the Candidates social tonight, March 31st, at Redline Restaurant in Harvard Sq., Cambridge. All of the Democratic candidates for the Middlesex, Suffolk, and Essex special election seat will be attending. The Social starts at 7:00pm. All ages, and wheelchair accessible.
p>In attendence:
– Michael Albano (Chelsea Small Business Owner)
– Dennis Benzan (Cambridge Attorney)
– Sal DiDomenico (Everett Common Councilor and former Galluccio chief of staff)
– Timothy Flaherty (Attorney)
– Dan Hill (Attorney)
– Denise Simmons (Cambridge City Councilor)