Really, Scott Brown should hole up with a media consultant for about a month before venturing onto the airwaves again. It just gets sadder and sadder. Via TPM:
“Inappropriate”? What is that supposed to mean? “Inappropriate” according to whom, or to what standard? It’s the Republicans who are yowling about “repeal,” for God’s sake, so it’s perfectly “appropriate” for the President to dare them to actually try it. In fact, having staked his presidency on getting this bill passed, it would be “inappropriate” for Obama not to welcome a debate over repeal.
And it’s even more absurd when Brown starts nattering on about the stuff he likes in the bill — which of course cannot be paid for without the stuff he doesn’t like.
Scott, you are in over your head. Someone needs to throw you a lifeline right quick.
lightiris says
in Massachusetts is testimony to the notion that anybody, no matter how ignorant, stupid, or tone deaf, can get elected to any office in the land as long as that individual is eye candy.
tblade says
He drove a truck. ‘Nuff said.
johnk says
I wish I had time for a post here but his two examples on the video, first backroom deals, David debunked that on an earlier post, reconciliation he voted AGAINST in the Senate removed those “backroom deals”. Second, the medical devices, the reconciliation delayed the excise tax until 2013.
p>Scott Brown voted to KEEP the backroom deals and voted to have the medical device tax kick in IMMEDIATELY rather than the delay.
p>Someone might want to let him know before he makes an arse out of himself again on national tv.
huh says
Come to think of it, that may explain his appeal.
redandgray says
Gail Huff should know a little bit about the media, right?
medfieldbluebob says
At least she can sing.
gregr says
ryepower12 says
If he was so concerned about the “medical device taxes,” maybe he, like the rest of Republicans, should have got — oh, I don’t know — involved in the health care debate as honest brokers, instead of becoming “The Party of No.” Who wants to make a bet that if three or four Republicans would have voted for that bill if they got rid of that tax, that Democrats would have found a way to get rid of it. There were ways to save money in the bill that could have reduced or eliminated that kind of tax — such as allowing Medicare to negotiate with Big Pharma, which would have saved billions and billions over that secret backroom deal that was made and doesn’t have the force of law behind it.
p>A few votes could have tipped that balance, so we would have been able to include that majorly important reform that’s needed as part of HCR. But, no, the Republicans weren’t interested in becoming a part of the process — they were only interested in being the Party of No. They didn’t and don’t care about reforming health care, they care about winning elections and doing whatever they think will help them most to win those elections… to give sweetheart deals to their corporate friends.
mr-lynne says
… about the taxes paid by medical device makers, I think it’s cogent to look at the context around which we’re concluding that the taxes are too big a hit. My understanding is that medical device makers have a pretty handsome profit margin (something like 20% or more). In that context, I’m not sure we’re going to suffer much.
mark-bail says
Listen, we have a free market in this country. If we didn’t hold the hand of big businesses, they wouldn’t be free to do whatever they want. It’s survival of the fittest out there. We can’t be too careful when it comes to coddling profit-makers.
mike_cote says
Utah Medical Devices lists their profit margins on their home page for investors.
p>They claim 53.2% Gross Profit Margin and 24.1% Net Profit Margin for 2009. Whether this is representative or not of the industry nationwide or just in Utah, I don’t know, but it should give people a ballpark of what we are talking about.
mr-lynne says
… search yielded this:
p>and this“
christopher says
…for Rachel Maddow to be his 2012 opponent too. She’s denied interest, of course, but having a lot of fun with the story. He better hope she doesn’t change her mind as she’d run circles around him. As for the “inappropriate remarks”, I was actually hoping Obama would quote his predecessor directly and say, “Bring it on!” Certainly the GOP can understand that!
kbusch says
Sam Seder can become Senator, too.
kirth says
on Topix boards, Obama might as well have said “Bring it on,” because that’s what the teaparteeners are quoting him as saying. Since passage of the HCR bills, there does seem to be more pushback there from people interested in actual facts, but there’s still a huge amount of falsehood being spread.
john-from-lowell says
Two to the NLRB. BAM! All your Labor support, Sen. Brown, get to have their beefcake and eat it, too.
p>Bet ya, McCain wished he kept his mouth shut. His rant gave POTUS the political cover to go big on these recess appointments. LOL.