And a boo-YA!
“First, reconciliation has been used for major legislation almost constantly, particularly on health-care reform…
“Second, Democrats are not proposing to create the health-care reform bill in reconciliation. Rather, they’re using the process for a much more limited purpose: passing the 11 pages of modifications that President Obama proposed to reconcile the House and Senate bills with each other. This is not a particularly ambitious use of the reconciliation process, and it’s certainly not unprecedented. Republicans are arguing otherwise, of course, but the record belies their rhetoric.”
Please share widely!
The use of reconciliation for “fixing” the Senate bill preemptively before House passage would be a good move. Whereas an attempt to pass an entire health care bill through reconciliation would be tricky, both for policy and political reasons, this strategy makes considerably more sense — particularly since it is unclear that the House will even pass the Senate bill without these changes.
p>The first quote from Robert Dove is a good one, though I’d add that (based on my understanding of reconciliation history), the VP rarely if ever overrules the Parliamentarian’s advice on this matter. Doing so would be considerably different than previous Senate practice, even as the use of reconciliation for major bills itself is relatively common.
Heh. Presumably that’s because the Parliamentarian ruled the way the VP wanted him to. If things were to get to the point where the Dems were actually presenting a bill to be passed via reconciliation and asked for the Parliamentarian’s ruling, surely you don’t think that Biden would not be prepared to overrule the Parliamentarian’s advice if necessary.
Yes, it is the same Dove.
how nothing has changed in almost a decade. sigh.
correct about Biden being prepared to overrule the Parliamentarian if necessary; my point was simply that it would be much more difficult to claim that, like reconciliation, it was a common practice.
p>Of course, this point about process is (1) quite likely less important than actually getting this bill done substantively, and (2) undermined by John from Lowell’s reminder that the Parliamentarian was indeed overruled (actually fired) back in 2001 for “wrong” decisions. So playing games with the Parliamentarian, which doesn’t seem procedurally “right” but nevertheless may be substantively necessary, has precedent under Republican leadership.
…but he shouldn’t be a tool of the majority either. The parliamentarian’s job is (or at least should be) to advise any member of the Senate of either party what the appropriate procedural course (if any) is to accomplish what the Senator wants to accomplish. A ruling the presider doesn’t like can be ignored, but shouldn’t be grounds for firing.