Today Secretary Arne Duncan announced the 16 applicants who are finalists of the first phase of the Race to the Top competition and Massachusetts is one of them.
Let’s keep up the momentum, Massachusetts!
Stand for Children, the state’s grassroots voice for children, is holding a virtual rally for citizens to tell their elected officials what they think about public education. You can send a message directly to your state legislator.
Go to Stand for Children and click on “make a sign.” Stand members will deliver your sign to legislators in person at our Day on the Hill on Tuesday March 23, 2010.
Please share widely!
Reminds me of the sloganator from Bush/Cheney 2004.
p>My sign reads “Don’t sell out public education for Arnie’s bribe$”
Stand Down Paul Reville
Schools need support, not bribes to do things that don’t work!
p>Say no to federal bribes to adopt practices that at best do not work, at worst are disruptive and destructive to communities and children.
p>Check out this article in the Worcester Telegram, where members of the elected school committee are questioning, or least looking into, whether it’s worth giving up their autonomy for money with dubious strings attached: