Weatherization Barnraising
Saturday, April 10th
12:30-5:00 p.m.
Cambridge YWCA Emergency Family Shelter
3 Bigelow Street, Cambridge
Pitch in to help 10 homeless families who live at the shelter
Lower vast energy bills for the shelter so it can help the families more
Learn skills that can save you $$ at home
Fight climate change
Share food & celebrate after a job well done
No skills necessary – training on the job!!
Work includes:
An easy and cheap way to fix old vinyl replacement windows so they easily close again
Air-sealing an incredibly leaky attic
Using caulk and sprayfoam to stop air leaks
Saving water and electricity
Installing programmable thermostats
Masonry, plastering, and more
Sign up today by web, email or phone!!
Organized by HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team), a Cambridge-based
co-op that brings neighbors together to weatherize our homes
and take the energy future into our own hands.
Co-sponsored by Cambridge Energy Alliance
It’s logical, it’s green, it’s money saving but it is related to supporting the Anti-christ theme of AGW and thus the Bill Gates/Ted Turner depopulate the earth eugenics foundations. When someone says I support global warming the direct connection towards killing people off deliberately turns me off. As a former touchy feelie Kumbaya type I don’t think globalist parasites should be telling people to just die off already to support thier profit margins and or lust for power and control.
The more anyone knows how to do – and does – the better off that person IS, and collectively we are as a society.