From the Globe’s endorsement today:
Also worthy of consideration is Dennis Benzan, another Cambridge lawyer. With good reason, Benzan argues that Democrats should look for candidates outside traditional political circles, and his willingness to consider merit pay for teachers is encouragingly iconoclastic.
While the Globe did, in fact, endorse Flaherty, they clearly wanted to endorse Dennis Benzan. No other candidate was mentioned, and they did not have the most flattering things to say about Flaherty. They were also sure to mention his father’s problem.
If the adage “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Flaherty is not the right choice. Benzan, on the other hand, is proud that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His parents raised him not only by telling him what was right and wrong, but by demonstrating and doing what was right.
The Globe endorsed Flaherty. The Globe did not “endorse” Dennis Benzan, as you put in your title. I don’t think you meant to deceive readers, but that’s how it came across.
I wasn’t trying to deceive anyone, though I did want to point out that the Globe’s only mention of another candidate was Dennis. It really makes you wonder…
p>I’d also like to share an e-mail Dennis received today:
p>Dennis has the momentum!