Senator Scott Brown has agreed to meet with a representative of a group pushing for legal residency for unauthorized immigrant students, his spokeswoman said today….
“We want [Brown] to hear the stories of immigrant youths who are affected by the broken immigration system,” said [Blue Mass Group regular] Kyle de Beausset, a 24-year-old representative of the group who will meet with the senator. “We just want him to hear these stories — to hear what they’re going through, face to face, so he can decide for himself what to do.”
We expect that a front-page BMG post was more than Brown could resist. đŸ˜‰
Please share widely!
I don’t give a shit. You shouldn’t be here anyways. Nor your parents who sneaked over the border. I am a lifelong resident of our state of Massachusetts. Why should I have to pay extra for my child to attend college.
You contribute nothing but insults, lies, and slander to this forum.
p>I ask again: Why is this person allowed to comment on BMG?
The controversy is over illegal immigrants being given in-state tuition. You know, the same tuition offered to “lifelong residents.” It would actually provide revenue to the state university system, and has absolutely nothing to do with how much you pay for your kids to go to college.
it’s very important to billxi that children be punished for their parents’ actions.
That is President Obama’s philosophy. Have you looked at the Obamacare price tag?
In-state tuition is but 17% of a state college student’s cost of attending college.
Deportation is fine with me.