I saw this update over the weekend (on Universal Hub) but didn’t have time to blog about it until today:
Garrett Quinn tweets from the Republican state convention in Worcester:
Mildred Jefferson just compared passage of HCR to 9/11. Got standing O from 2/3 of arena.
This is unbelievable! We need to use this. When I think of all the faux outrage of Republicans over the years, i.e. the Wellstone funeral, “cling to guns,” etc., this makes all of that pale in comparison.
Can you imagine the reaction if the Dems compared Social Security privatization to 9/11? Guiliani would have a press conference the next day with victims at his side and scream from the rooftops.
Does anyone have video of this? Is there some mitigating factor/context that would make the comparison somewhat comprehensible?
christopher says
…on making 9/11 their issue. Playing this clip (and there have been other doosies along the same lines) should be our response anytime a Republican accuses Democrats of not taking 9/11 seriously. My question is why aren’t GOP leaders showing leadership rather than adhering to the primal elements of their base. They should be the ones saying we don’t like health care reform, but our job is to offer alternatives rather than engage in such rhetoric.
lasthorseman says
Politics mirrors the dogma of religion.
p>I get tired of the tapes from the ghost of bin laden or the top alqeada brass getting killed for the fourth or fifth time. Islam being the replacement enemy designee from Cold War Russia.
p>Guam might capsize and fall into the ocean, Obama gets a peace prize with every oil change and Homeland Security wants to microchip everybody.
p>All of it, both sides being the 21st century equivalent of witch burnings, torture of heretics until they confess and Holy Crusades, this time with new and improved swords.
bcal92 says
I really want to see the video if it exists.
p>She is comparing a health insurance reform bill to the massacre of 3,000 innocent people?
p>He didn’t reference the crowd reaction.