I’m wearing my hat as a radio person today from the GOP convention. The hashtag for those of you on Twitter is #MAGOP.
I thought I’d put this up in case any of you have anything you’d like to know from here.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
That should get read; and be good to know.
They’re voting from the floor now. So far, while Mihos is getting votes, he isn’t (by my count) getting enough to pull the 15%.
They did have VERY close to a primary for auditor, but Jain pulled in a bit over 14%, from what I’m told.
He made, by most counts, about 11%.
On the other hand, it remains to be seen if Jain’s challenge to have a contest for state auditor goes through. If he had, as by more than one count he did, over 14.5%, it should be rounded up by the rules of the convention.
to Red State Mass, who were most gracious in sharing numbers (and frustration over the lousy wifi) today.
looks like they’ve got Jain on the ballot.
(I’m not seeing that on any other site…anyone?)
That’s lame.
p>14.5% is strictly less than 15%. If you want to “round up” then just set the threshold at “greater than or equal to 14.5%”.
p>Why are y’all mathematically challenged?
Trying hard to understand how this is any of your business since you are a Democrat.
Republicans’ struggles with basic math have saddled all Americans with astonishing levels of debt.
the Republicans believe in the idea that allowing more candidates makes for a more production campaign. Kind of like the casino/racino debate and Mr. DeLeo (oops!).
I don’t know what the GOP rules are, but if they say that a candidate must get 15% I would say that’s an absolute minimum unless the rules specifically provide for rounding up.
and the rules allow for exactly what happened. Mr. Jain qualifies which means more dialog which is good for the party.
and that’s why all of the power brokers at the convention went to work to make sure that Christy got his 15%. Oops!
Christy was not close to 15%.
I thought he would qualify with over 15%.
Lighten up!
There were quite a number of Cahill supporters outside the convention holding signs.
The Pioneer Institute had a table outside the convention, as did the ACLU.
Plenty of R’s not seeking nominations today–candidates for sheriff, also US Congress–very visible.
It will be interesting to see how much of a kick the GOP gets coming out of this. I had really thought that this year the place would be on fire, but it wasn’t that energized a crowd. There was certainly reaction to Brown and to Baker, but, by and large, not tons of energy and enthusiasm in the room.
Throwing in the towel or an indie campaign?
As I have said over and over, the last date to change affiliation was March 3 – so there CANNOT be an independent campign on his part.
p>And anyone who knows him knows that he is not a towel thrower. Watch this space…and it will be a surprise…
It can’t be no to both.
for him to be Grace Ross’ Lt. Governor?
…on the air and then I saw it in print afterward (the Globe?) that he would support Baker if he didn’t get on the primary ballot.