The House Ways and Means Budget which went online today at Noon.
If it weren’t for Palin on the Green I expect this would be receiving more oxygen.
I am pleased to see a commitment to maintain access to justice, and inter library loans. As for all the rest – what do YOU think?
I think Chairman Murphy tackled a tough job in a courageous way, and could not please everyone no matter what given what he had to work with.
Please share widely!
conseph says
Last year there was hue and cry over the pay raises that the members of the legislature accepted in the midst of one of the worst economic times in recent history. While they were being provided pay raises many of their constituents were suffering un and under employment. In response many legislators either declined the pay raise or committed to make a donation to a local charity in the amount of their raise.
p>Well, we are at budget time and I think it is time to revisit this issue with a few questions:
p>1) Does anyone know if an organization went out and verified that those who committed to contributions actually did so?
p>2) Does anyone know if these legislators have renewed their committment for 2010 or was this a one time deal?
p>3) Did they also request that their pension and other benefits be reduced for the donation, etc.?
p>It is time to make sure that our legislators are both holding true to their promises and still showing that they understand the economic travails with which their constituents deal each and every day. It is an election year and now is the time to hold them to their commitments made in the heat of the moment last year.
amberpaw says
THIS thread is about looking at what is in the House budget. This post is NOT about tracking last years raises. Your issue deserves its own post and my thread does not deserve to be hijacked.
conseph says
Amber please accept my apology, was not my intention to hijack your post. I do see how it can be read that way. No excuse for my clumsiness and I can only apologize.
p>I will also take your suggestion for a separate post and get started on research to seek out some answers for the questions and build a post.
p>Again, thank you.