The Associated Press and WBZ are reproting that Sec. Ken Salazar will be in Boston tomorrow to announce the fate of Cape Wind.
Call me crazy, but – would Salazar come HERE to stand WITH Deval if the answer is NO???
Take the poll!
Please share widely!
Save the sage.
I fully expect Ted to haunt the first Figawi Slalom!
Loved Scott Brown’s comments………….he and Delahunt make a cute couple I think.
It appears that David has stolen your topic. He did it to me once,too. I made me into a bitter, bitter man.
typos his subjects into pronouns, even! đŸ˜‰
both are pronouns, but anyway, you get my joke I hope. ;_;
I saw the lack of a T as soon as I hit Post, but David seems to have also stolen my Edit Comment function, so there was nothing I could do about it.
p>It’s just one thing after another lately.
Cuz if you ever did, you’re one up on me!
than to have never had one at all.
I was pretty sure I had an edit function, but I didn’t need it at first. Then when I did want to correct something after I posted it, edit was gone!