Dear Fellow Progressive Democrats:
We need your help!
The deadline for submitting signatures is rapidly approaching. We have to submit 300 valid signatures to city and town clerks’ offices by Tuesday, April 27th; so, we’ve set a goal to gather another 200 signatures so that we leave nothing to chance. On Sunday, April 25, we’ll be meeting at 2:00 P.M. at 31 Lindall Street in Boston before dispersing to a targeted neighborhood to collect signatures. Again, the April 27th deadline is fast approaching, so the time you can volunteer is tremendously appreciated. If you have any questions, you can e-mail our campaign at or call 617-327-8769. Thank you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
Progressive Democrat for State Senate
Suffolk & Norfolk State Senate District
Roslindale, Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Dedham, Westwood & Norwood
It is not entirely obvious that you are asking for signatures for your campaign. I also find it strange that you are asking for volunteers without putting forward why we might want to support you vs. other candidates for this seat.
p>If you are serious about running, you should already have had a website up by now.
p>It is still VERY early in this race, and I am working on a website presently. The priority for me right now is to get on the ballot.
p>There is a very clear difference between myself and the other two Democrats running for this open seat.
p>Representative Michael Rush (D), West Roxbury, is very conservative regarding civil rights issues. He is pro – life, and wants to bring the right of gay and lesbian couples up for a vote in the State Senate. He has an A rating from the National Rifle Association. In his tenure as a State Representative since 2003, he has not forwarded one piece of legislation on his own during that time.
p>Mr. Michael Walsh of Westwood recently registered as a Democrat after running unsuccessfully as an Independent candidate for Norfolk County Commissioner in 2008. He claims to be progressive regarding social issues but he has no history of backing up those principles.
p>Over the past twenty six years, as a staffer and as a volunteer, I have worked diligently to elect progressive, pro-union, pro-choice Democrats to elective office.
When I was twenty, I was up in New Hampshire every weekend for three months before the New Hampshire Presidential Primary working for the Mondale for President campaign.
I have put my blood, sweat and tears into every campaign (Dukakis, Harkin, Clinton, Harshbarger, Gore, Birmingham, O’Brien, Patrick & Obama) I worked for time and time again.
p>What makes me stand out from the other two candidates is my steadfast loyalty to the Platform of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and my commitment to elect candidates who will stand for those principles as well. If I fortunate enough to be the Democratic Nominee for this seat, I will work diligently for the entire Democratic Party ticket. My election would mean little if we do not elect Governor Patrick to a second term.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
Progressive Democrat for State Senate
Suffolk & Norfolk State Senate District