The question has been raised about whether or not our president is a socialist,” Paul said. “I am sure there are some people here who believe it. But in the technical sense, in the economic definition of a what a socialist is, no, he’s not a socialist.””He’s a corporatist,” Paul continued. “And unfortunately we have corporatists inside the Republican party and that means you take care of corporations and corporations take over and run the country.”
Most Teapartiers are RON PAUL supporters, but most teapartiers believe the propaganda that Obama is a socialist. What is going to happen next? Will the TEA PARTY THROW OUT RON PAUL or FOLLOW HIS LEAD?
Mark Williams was fired from WRKO as both a producer and a talk host. Looks like he found a way to promote himself again by getting out in front and allegedly leading the Tea Baggers when they come to Boston.
p>He is a total nut job and a fraud who acts like he would physically attact the POTUS if he had the opportunity.
p>I really and sincerely hope the United States Secret Service has Mark Williams under watch. He is a ticking time bomb.
p>We do not need a repeat of November 22, 1963 nor another Lee Harvey Oswald. But Mark Williams could be the next Lee Harvey Oswald in our midst.
In a pure sense Ron Paul is right. Obama and all of his cabinet are card carrying globalist oriented corporates. They care not about America short of how to raid the cookie jar faster and better.
p>I take the original Tea Party as those truthers who threw the whitewash report into Boston Harbor. If I do recall that was well before Obama’s globalist corpo-fasicsm became offensive generating the Overton Window backlash the Glenn Beck’s of the world cashed in on.
p>My acceptance of zero change came in 2006 when Pelosi endorsed the continuation of Bush’s Homeland Stupidity and the wars of error, impeachment off the table etc.
p>Leaving both parties I have found the world of exopolitics, the spiritual and paranormal, the free energy research guys and the vast and fascinating world of the “Illuminati” and all subjects New World Order.
Even this has factions as diverse as religions in the world but it rings far more honest and true than commercial media’s what to think propaganda network.
p>I think this organization is 30 something. The News the dumbed down generationally has missed.