So why all the buzz over who becomes the next Governor? It’s the power held disproportionately by the Speaker that really matters around here? He represents a minor subset of the MA electorate, yet his control over MA policy is huge. Two racing venues in his district, a no bid award to those two for racinos passes the House by a lot, and no public hearings, just because he says so. Given DeLeo’s power to control and corrupt isn’t DeLeo (and those before him) the true center of influence in the Commonwealth? Today’s blog entries will include much anger directed towards those flip floppers 2008 vs. 2010. DeLeo wants the bill advanced DiMasi didn’t. I have never seen more excuses for the sellout of Linsky et al.
DeLeo’s may have walked that fine line between an ethics violation or the perception of one. Either way, he looks no different than the three predecessors that ended their tenure in disgrace.
It’s the Governor who would execute the law or not execute the law, right? Does DeLeo command the police who would be there on the site, either making sure the building starts or doesn’t start? I think checks and balances means this doesn’t have to start unless the Governor says start, until the SJC and the National Guard make him. Romney didn’t have to issue marriage licenses to any couples he didn’t want to, and Patrick doesn’t have to build any casinos he doesn’t want to.
p>No idea what the hell you are talking about.
…but he’s the one with no clue what he’s talking about. The Governor would have to sign any bill, and if a veto gets overridden then that’s the law. Unless dcsurfer LIKES the Bush theory of executive power.
He should not appoint chairs, assign office space, or determine which legislation gets debated. There need to be regulated procedures for those things.