It is interesting to listen to the talk on Wall Street, and the way they feel put upon by government and society. They think Tim Geithner is “solid” and the good guy. They spin tax numbers to make it seem like they are going to be
ravaged with new tax laws and regulations. They want to be left alone in their glorious race for more money. They criticize the working class for wanting a decent wage; unions are the enemy.
How can they not value the working/middle class. The working/middle class contributes more to this country in hard work and labor than they (apparently) understand. Yet to them, only they work hard, and that is why they have amassed such wealth.
Yes, class warfare. It’s really rather exhausting. It should be about respect for everyone who contributes meaningfully to our country in all sorts of ways. It’s as much about the guys on Wall Street who spend their time generating growth in retirement accounts as it is about the guys on Main St who repair the water lines so the town can have water. I would imagine each thinks that they work the hardest? Which skill set could we do without?
Draconian enviroNazi rules to put you out of your house.
Guam to capsize and fall into ocean
TMZ compares Kim Kardashian’s ass to…..
And “the center” reserves the right to frisk my wife.
She is of course “free” to not work at “the center”.
America- a historical concept.
Some of Tea Party platform has merit; some of it is misguided. Work to sort it all out.
this astroturfing, corrupting of it by big media. It provokes anger. Is that deliberate? Qui Bono? Multi-nationals who operate in 169 countries? Their profit margins, control over resources, exploitation of people plans.
Both parties, both establishment parties villify 911 truth. It was Boston who threw the original 911 commission report into Boston Harbor. By my recollection that was well before Faux News got a hold of it.