Rally To Expose Tea Party for What They Are
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement epitomize the complete insanity of what is going on politically in this country. The Birther Movement, the Climate Change Deniers, the “Obama is a Muslim/Socialist/Communist/Nazi” labeling, all share a common thread. All these beliefs are based on misinformation campaigns completely devoid of any truth, and are resulting in working families mobilizing against their own interests (healthcare for all, taxing the top 5%, keeping the estate tax high, etc.).
The huge amount of misinformation being generated by the right wing has one huge byproduct and that’s FEAR. And that fear takes us right to our basest instincts, so it’s easy to bring out the worst in us, which accounts for the amount of hatred being generated. It’s the Blacks. It’s the Gays. It’s Liberals. It’s the Immigrants. They Want Our Country!
It’s hard to fight hate, and it’s hard to fight fear, but one thing works well on both:
LAUGHTER. Specifically, the kind generated by turning the insanity of the lunatic fringe back on itself, as the people of San Francisco recently displayed in staging a counter protest against the Westboro Baptist Church, the God-Loving folks who brought us the “God Hates Fags Message:
Well, Nitwit Central is headed our way, Boston. Sarah Palin is going to be speaking at a Tea Party in Boston on the Boston Common on April 14th at 10 AM, and I think it’s up to REAL REAL AMERICANS (black/white, gay/straight, first generation/Mayflower generation, left/right, Democrats/Republicans) to say, “ENOUGH”. We cannot afford to let morons dictate public discourse anymore.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing – Edmund Burke
The media is increasingly treating these insane fringe groups as mainstream America, and that doesn’t align with reality. Look at Palin’s Tea Party speech to 8,000 lunatic fringe folk in Searchlight, Nevada. The media covered it like a presidential debate, including live coverage by C-Span, CNN, MSNBC and her employer, Fox “News”.
So we propose to fight dumb with dumber, give ’em what they want, only stupider. Let’s face it, truth and common sense don’t work for a lot of folks in the Tea Party/Sarah Palin/Fox “News”/Limbaugh crowd. Otherwise Glenn Beck wouldn’t have a show.
It’s hard to be afraid and it’s hard to hate when you’re laughing (Name a funny conservative comedian that isn’t on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour). So I suggest we fight serious ridiculousness with silly ridiculousness.
Our Goal is to use every group we can to bring together as many people as possible to the Boston Common on April 14th to push back on the real nitwits with our own brand of nitwittery! We want real groups (SEIU), real funny groups (Billionaires for Wealthcare) fake funny groups (Gay Nazis for Human/Animal Marriage) and as many sign-carrying bodies as we can assemble.
To Quote Animal House:
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.
And We’re Just the (People) To Do It.
Wanna Help? Here’s What You Do To Be Part of The Nut – Tea Party!!!
(Or Just Want To DO SOMETHING If You’re Not A Joiner)
1) WEAR Something Blue (So People Know Why You’re There)
2) MAKE A Sign or Banner (Suggestions Below Or Make Up Your Own FUNNY or SILLY sign – nothing heavy, man! If You Can’t Make a Dopey Sign, Wear Blue and Show Up Anyway. Maybe Someone Nice Will Make Extra Signs (Hint, Hint Artsy Craftsy Types!)
3) CALL-EMAIL-TWEET Your Friends/Organizations to Do The Same. Let’s Start A Good Virus For Once!
4) SHOW UP! At the Common April 14th at 9:30AM (Car pool, MBTA, Gossamer Wings)
5) HAVE FUN! (And Play Nice, Walk Away Laughing)
Some Suggestions for Silly Signs or Banners (Don’t Forget the Creative Misspellings)
Obama Wants Us To Wear
Silly Hats!
I’m Hopey, Changey, Dopey, Derangey
Free To Be NUTZ!
Workers Unite To Stop Alien Earth Conquest!
I’m Coo-Coo for HealthCare
I Obey the Chip in My Head!
Glenn Beck for Pope!
I’m Angry ‘Cuz My Taxes Went Down!
Keep Your Government Hands Off
My Government-Run Medicare!
This Rally Brought To You Ho Chi Stalin Hitler!
Ann “The Man” Coulter Teabagged Me!
Libertry for Sheep!
Big Government NO! – Big Turtles – YES!
Glenn Beck for Supreme Donut King!
I Forgot What I’m Angry About!
Stupid Is The New Smart!
Glenn Beck Says: “Aliens Are Stealing Our Underpants!”
Pass Gay Marriage So I Can Marry My Dog
I’ll Have What Rush Is Having
Don’t Violate My Constipational Rights
I’d Rather Have My Baby Die of A Curable
Disease Than Be Called A Socialist !
Hey! Where’s All the Black Folks At!
Wanna Help! Here’s What You Do To Be Part of The Nut – Tea Party!!!
(Or Just Want To DO SOMETHING If You’re Not A Joiner)
Funny Stuff. I am hoping to be able to take the day off of work to drive in from North Adams. Maybe I’ll have to find my old clown nose.
I wish I could join you but I am in court that day on behalf of a 12 year old with school issues. If you post a live link, though, I will get the word out.
That in your democratic/socialistic haste to brand those who disagree with you as stupid morons, that maybe you, yourself are appearing stupid and moronic more so yourself?
It’s hard to take admonitions like that seriously when they come from someone who’s constantly calling Democrats “entitled social darwinst gay bummy lovers.”
Appearing moronic while their opponents of being stupid is exactly the established pattern of the tea baggers. What better way to counter them?
p>Besides which there is no way to have a rational dialog with people who refuse to think rationally (e.g. “keep the government out of medicare”!?).
p>Personally, I don’t think that mocking crazy people is likely to be a very effective tactic, but it will definitely be a lot more rewarding than trying to engage them in a serious debate.
I’m going to smile, laugh, and wave. May I remind you that we have a high level of literacy in Massachusetts. I don’t think you’ll see any misspelled signs. Give us credit. We won the safest seat in electoral history from you. If you think we’re dumb, exactly where the heck does that leave you?
p>I’ll bet you that if there are 50+ hand made signs, at least one would get red ink from a 5th grade English teacher.
p>And speaking of 5th grade…
p>I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
I know you ware but what am I?
Ok, you’re spoofin’ me. Or you need to fix those sticky caps. Yes, label us, if it makes you feel better. I find the folks doing the labeling to be the biggest bigots of all.
Lowell, last April:
If you’re going to use the language of hatred, bigotry and racism, surely you can correctly spell the epithets.
They tell me it’s 100 million Americans now who have a problem with the official story of 911, the event I refer to as Larry Silverstein’s asbestos abatement problem. It was members of wearechange Utah who pointed out the astroturf factors of this hijacked Tea Party.
p>Did you know Mrs. Barry is a birther?
Yes, there is a video.
p>Did you know CO2 was an “emergency” in 1958?
Yes, there is a video.
p>Obama is a Muslim/Socialist/Communist/Nazi
Well here is the big mistake propaganda media has to dance around. America is a historical concept. Our crap consumer culture has a Globalist Illuminati bulleye on it.
Most of these won’t fit in with the idea of Left-Wing Crazy, but I’d still carry them.
p>END OF THE RAINBOW COALITION (with pot of gold graphic)
It’s a long commute to China
p>6 billion useless eaters
p>Georgia Guidestones-The Satanic Commandments
p>EISCAT-Better Than HAARP
p>Geo-Engineer Paradise
Instead of maligning the tea party folks, try understanding why they are so pissed.
That would take intelligence. Hint: I don’t think johnnyplankton is a genius, because he calls others stupid. Let them sleep. They stilll think Scott Brown is a bad dream.
I may go to hear my friend Sam Meas speak. Sam Meas is going to replace Niki Tsongas as our 5th district congressman.
Thanks for the update on the intellectual prowess of johnnyplankton. Does everyone else know the secret?
as you realize it too.
How many times have people on the right side of the aisle defensively suggested this, as if it’s a big mystery who these people are and why they’re “pissed.” We know who these people are. We know why they’re “pissed.” Stop suggesting there’s anything here to discover.
p>You can defend tea party folks as misunderstood all you want. You can suggest that there’s some actual thoughtful depth to their being “so pissed,” but not many people are going to believe you. We all have eyes and ears. We see and hear the tea partiers, and guess what: there’s no mystery here–at all. In fact, there’s nothing to understand that a little understanding of the prevalence of ignorance and deep-seated bigotry won’t reveal.
Since I do not know any of these people personally maybe you can enlighten me. Who are they and why so angry? Are they all bigots as you state? Is it possible to completely disagree with you on just about everything and still be a something other than a bigot? Thanks in advance for your reasoned response.
p>Have you not read a single newspaper, column, blog, diary since the tea party’s arrival on the scene? Have you ignored the myriad posts on this site alone that explore who these people are, what they believe, and why they exist? You must be quite selective in what you read here. Put “tea party” in the search box on the left side of BMG’s page and hit enter. Pay dirt! If you’d prefer getting your information from a less partisan site, try this. Over 14 million hits on Google–surely some of them have an answer to your question.
p>Although I’m sure you think this question is rather cleverly stated, it does little heavy lifting for you rhetorically. Your disagreement with my views admits to no bigotry specifically on your part unless you try to suggest the vast majority of active tea partiers are not bigoted, ignorant, and homophobic.
p>No problem.
My research on the tea party movement has not included an evaluation of what is said about such movement on either RMG or BMG. Fair enough? What I do know is that whenever a large block of ciizens is angry it makes more sense to try and understand the anger vs. the approach I see on the left, which in nothing more han an attempt to maginalize the tea bag crowd as racists, bigots, and wackos. To be fair the right does the same thing in explaining those on the left by calling those folks such names as communists, etc.
p>And I certainly aspire to be your intellectual peer as difficult as that may be.
p>I gotta go and get ready for Deval’s Lynn rally.
Lightiris is smart.
Label them bigots. That solves everything. I find that those who do the name-calling and stereotyping are usually more bigoted than the people they’re trying to pigeon-hole.
that’s rich.
When its true!
when it’s BS!
Dear Representative of the Party of Reckless Accusation,
p>Please note that Lightiris and others point to actual evidence of bigotry on the part of a large number of tea partiers. Note too that no one is saying liberals should go out in big gangs and yell “Bigot!” very, very loudly at these people until they cry and go home.
p>Instead, our first goal is to understand who they are and what they stand for. If their numbers include a sizable share of bigots, lets mark that down in our notebooks. If they’re ambivalent about the Republican leadership, lets mark that down too.
p>When we turn to strategy, we’d like to think it through carefully. Our strategy will certainly not consist in making a lot of small, mean-spirited comments, neener-neenerish comments, you know, like the kind you specialize in.
p>Hope that helps.
p>Hugs and kisses,
David Whelan is right- That pendulum is swinging and will hit our sanctimonious butts if we continue to act so holier-than-thou. If you completely believe everything that MSNBC feeds you then you are no different then those Fox viewers.
What we do know is that the media will spin and exaggerate any way it can in order to feed the revenue stream. If it’s a left leaning stream they will show the right wingnuts- and vice versa. There is a concept called “moral self-licensing”. It’s a belief that normal rules don’t apply to you because you are so righteous. Both sides are guilty of this. Remember good versus evil? It makes us feel good and superior. Just because these tea party folks disagree with you (and I’m betting that if you had a normal conversation with most you would find that you agree more then disagree) contrary to what you hear from Ed “twice-fired sportscaster and former rightie” Schultz and Chris “Hillary only became Senator because her husband cheated on her” Matthews-they aren’t all stupid and pathetically uninformed. Knee jerking hatred is ignorant and self defeating for all of us. Obama has used derision and scorn and all it’s gotten him is lower poll numbers. We are all in big trouble whether there is a D an R or an I on our hats.
Onto world hunger!
p>but perhaps the most vocal and over reported on. I think this speech below is what the majority of the Tea Party is about.
Sorry. I’m afraid this woman is an outlier of the most profound sort when you look at the “membership” of the tea partiers.
Keith Olbermann
You, sir, are occasionally shrill.
Factual though.
Tea Party
So outraged as to be rude and to hint at violence
Unmoored from reality
in which all things are equivalent, which, by the way, seems to have lost its major spokesperson?
This one keeps cutting and pasting the same posts. The old one just kept repeating the same points. I almost prefer the old one.
p>The new has started the old one’s delightful “I’m going to zero people that I disagree with” game. Pathetic, no matter how you look at it.
p>Thank you for the non-converstion. 😉
The research on this site is second to none. And inspite of my thoughtful retort I still maintain that the tea party movement is too big to ignore.
p>In the spirit of cooperation I will agree that Rush Limbaugh is an ass if you agree that Olbermann is a jerk. Deal?
I agree that that Tea Party movement is too big to ignore. Even it weren’t, the media are certainly making it too big to ignore.
p>That said, as I’ve dairied, I think that there’s a grain of truth to what they say. I think they misdiagnose it and I also think they don’t understand what they’re talking about. But if Matt Taibbi is even half-right, then we should be afraid of the elites.
p>Only the elites are not named Pelosi and Reid.
P.S. I’m not sure that I think Olbermann is a jerk, but he can be tiresome.
Reminds me of a Pat’s tailgate party.
Ever since 1980, these people have been brutalized by the Predator Class – 30 years and counting of rapacious far-right governments purchased cheaply.
p>The problem is that the teabaggers – like most Americans – don’t know what really happened. They listen to the chorus of bullshit they hear through the bought-off media and government – Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama, etc, telling them that the problem is immigrants and commies and welfare queens and big gummint and all manner of nonsense – and that if we just give more stuff to the “shrewd businessmen”, it will help the rest of us.
p>Even the “left” these days buys into all sorts of looney stuff – NAFTA, almost-free-trade-with-China, RomneyCare, ObamaCare, offshore drilling, $12+ trillion in taxpayer backing of junk assets so that bankers can rake in zillions, etc.
p>They may not be smart enough to realize who screwed them, but they have finally figured out that they’re being screwed, and they’re royally pissed. Nobody represents them in the halls of power, and they know it.
p>Personally, instead of antagonizing these folks, I think it would be better to educate them a bit and harness them for good instead of evil, but that ain’t easy.
This is exactly right! This is the reason behind the anger.
p>While the Republicans are trying to usurp their energy, the Democrats are doing a good job of alienating them and sending them away. Big Mistake. There are many, many Democrats who don’t appreciate that their hard earned tax dollars are being delivered to the doorsteps of the billion dollar corporations. They see taxpayer funded bail-outs to huge corporations at the same time their state and local governments are taking more out of their paltry paychecks. They’re seeing the wealthiest among us get more wealthy with the help of the government, while they, as employees, receive a 1% raise or worse, a cut in pay. This is the driving force behind this movement.
p>We, the Democrats, can either try to rally them to our side, or we can push them away.
p>I give a lot of credit to the Coffee Party movement. They are our best hope in getting the message straight in a less radical, less devisive way. They are out best hope in getting our elected officials to listen to what the voters are really saying. Let’s hope it’s the Democrats who listen.
Any chance we can take up the anti-Wall Street side of this and pry them away from those who think health care is evil?
No-one is going to listen if you approach them with:
“Hey stupid, I’ve got something to tell you”
I have serious doubt that someone carrying a poster with a badly-done photoshopped image of Obama as Hitler is in the mood to do some serious listening, regardless of your approach.
I also trust that you would agree that those far left loons that compared Bush or Cheney to Hitler or Nazis were equally incapable of listening. Wackos everywhere my friend, particulary on the far right and left extremes.
p>George Soros on George Bush:
Those guys are La Rouche Democrats. They’re deranged members of Blue Mass Nation. 😉
But, you never know what you might learn if you did engage that person in conversion. Not likely you will be able to change their thinking. The point is that that person with that sign does not the majority make. That person is, however, photographed and recorded, then aired on local and national television as the voice of the movement.
p>Can’t we dig a little deeper?
Zonker and more on tea party
Was a Republican.
“They” are pissed about government entitlement programs, unless they’re programs which pay “they”. “They” are pissed about a government process that “they” simply don’t understand. “They” are pissed at any idea that doesn’t result in more for “they” regardless of the impact on not-“they”. “They” feel threatened by anyone who has a demographic not found in Mayberry.
p>And frankly, “they” weren’t voting for Democrats before Glen Beck whipped up the teabaggery in the first place, so I’m not crying for the loss of votes.
Interesting. This country’s in trouble if that many people are pissed off, stupid, and selfish. I wonder if there is more to it.
a few dozen people show up and Fox snews is there. Just what percent of Americans do you think are showing up at Tea Party rallies, misspelled signs or otherwise?
p>Being loud does not make an organization large, and signs don’t vote.
p>If it were a matter of signs, then the Spartacist League, Worker’s World, or maybe Westboro Baptist would have taken over the country.
Take them at their word:
p>a.) They’re against higher taxes.
p>b.) They’re against “big government” and “government spending”.
p>Fact: You never hear them complain about defense spending or more war, which is 21% of the federal budget.
p>c.) Many seem to think Obama’s a secret Muslim who wasn’t born in the US. I really don’t know what else one can say except that that’s daffy. Certifiable.
p>d.) They think the health care bill is cataclysmic, often for reasons which are very likely false (increase the deficit) or downright nutty (death panels).
p>etc. etc.
p>I don’t know David … maybe before you break out the sanctimony, you could help us out by explaining why this isn’t a movement fueled by sheer hysteria? If they’ve got strong arguments … what are they, exactly?
Maybe none other than Barak Obama sets the appropriate example here. Doesn’t the President have a point of view that includes trying to understand why some of our enemies dislike us so? Isn’t that point of view contrary to those that you dislike so, such as Bush, Cheney, etc.? How about we keep blogging about how rotten the tea baggers are or how fat Sarah Palin might be then they will just go away. I’m not a tea bagger, don’t know much about them, but know they are a group of pissed off people.
p>My “sanctimonious” point was simple. Follow the Presidents’ lead. Oh yea, I also think it’s a group of people that both Democrats and Republican ignore at their peril.
p>Have a great weekend Charlie.
Slash everything with a machete! But not MY program, my program is the only worthwhile one. Sounds democratic to me.
It’s kinda cool. Even Obama thinks we need to try and understand those that we kinda think suck. You see we kinda think Iran sucks and you kinda think the tea baggers suck so maybe we can learn from the President and figure out why they all think we suck. I hope this clears up that little “sanctimony” thing that you tossed my way. Oh, and by the way, I know this is your playground so I will try and be more respectful when giving opinion that is contrary to house opinion. Is free speech still cool on BMG or did I miss a memo?
you double down on the sanctimony.
p>That’s you putting words into my keyboard. I wrote neither. I do think that teabaggers tend to be ignorant of civics. More than most Americans? Perhaps not. But, it’s pretty clear that many have no understanding of the American process of government, the ramifications of democracy, or how to spell and punctuate handmade signs. For those who aren’t ignorant, many are simply lying. As for selfish, well sure. But isn’t that a good trait for capitalists? Ayn Rand sung herself to sleep with words like selfish. By definition, “taxed enough already” suggests that they don’t want to pay more taxes because, well, they want to keep that money for themselves. Is that not selfish? Never mind that most teabaggers have actually had their taxes cut under Obama, or that the vast majority of the debt was created by GWB, GHWB, and RR, and they sure as hell weren’t protesting then.
p>Look, here’s the deal. We’ve seen teabaggers over and over again make it clear that the government should leave their medicare alone. You’ll also see tremendous support for VA benefits. That both are socialist medicine seem to escape them. Start interviewing folks — I guarantee you that a large portion of the people who show up at the events are either (a) collecting social security, (b) collecting medicare benefits, (c) collecting unemployment benefits, or (d) collecting medicaid benefits. That they arrived on socialist roads or rails only belabors the point.
p>They want to pay low taxes, and they don’t want to give up anything that they get. So, they alienate and segregate. It’s the other people who don’t pay enough or take too much. It’s not just about making Barack Obama into a Muslim Socialist Marxist born in Kenya. It’s about making it us-vs-them, where us (the teabaggers) are white male Christian heterosexuals. Check out the numbers in pretty graphs over at 538. Teabaggers have negative views on blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and homosexuals, when compared to other white Americans.
p>I get the teabaggers. They’re terrified because their majority is becoming a minority, at least in pure numbers (though nowhere near a minority in terms of elected officials, wealth, education, etc). They’re otherwise simply a loosely affiliated group of folks who throw any nonsense to see what sticks: 10th amendment, birthers, deathers, truthers, etc., without any historical accuracy or understanding.
p>I get the teabaggers — but I just don’t think that there are very many of them, that most others take them seriously, or that they’re a substantial threat in politics precisely because their votes weren’t really in play to begin with, and to appease them undermines an awful lot of what I believe in to begin with. So, in the mean time their ugliness will fester, and I can only hope the teabaggers taint the Republicans.
it just…. might… WORK!
p>Personally, I’m thinking of making a sign around the bikini graph (for instance, see http://voices.washingtonpost.c…
p>How’s that hopey changey stuff working out for me?
p>Getting better all the time!
p>Might be too wordy, though.
p>Never underestimate the power of the “Billionaires for Bush” style protest if you whould happen to have a top hat and tails around.
That’s a great and harmless(non-attacking) way of trying to get the message to the Tea Partiers that what they are supporting is a corporate take-over of America, not freedoms for our people.
Not political, but I saw someone behind the talking heads at the Final Four with a bright yellow sign that simply said, “Distracting Poster”. Make me chuckle while licking my wounds after the defeat of my beloved Spartans.
p>I’m going to try to get down there Tuesday.
Can’t bet with ’em, can’t bet against ’em. Just a personal rant from the last two tournaments.
and stripped of roads schools and any other government funded program.
but if they hate government programs and taxes they shouldnt get to use things bought or provided by them
p>If they bought of provided something then that is exactly why they should be allowed to use those things.
if they want to not pay taxes fine! but the shouldnt get to use things provided by taxes i.e roads and schools
We do pay taxes. For the roads your daddy drives you to school. For your school that teaches you to spout the democratic party line. I hope you realize that you’re in a very long line for your democratic party hack job. About 40 years long.
My Democratic hack job is a public official whose job is to help people. So if that is a hack job then you are a dream crusher. I want to help the teachers that teach me and the construction workers who make the roads we drive on. Unlike the GOP who only helps people with deep pockets I feel government is there to help people. This tea party movement is ugly.
They taught you the old party line well. Remember that when the loving teachers who are in teaching “for the children” go on strike in September.
Start reading more kid, college is going to overwhelm you.
That will affect your GPA. Some teachers can handle a well thought out discussion, others will effect your grade.
You mean “affect your grade”.
p>Be extra careful with your sign, sweetie.
p>Hugs and kisses,
p>2. Something that inevitably follows an antecedent. (as a cause or agent).
p>I apologize for using more than a four letter word for the BMG intellectuals(?).
p>Sorry Stormy, I don’t kiss other guys.
You have missed up the noun with the verb.
p>Now, you be extra careful with your sign, now.
p>Hugs and kisses,
Since the letters of stomv are shaped nothing like the letters of KBusch.
p>P.S. billxi, you’re wrong on your m-w reference. In general, affect is used as a verb, effect is used as a noun. You used the word as a verb, thus it should have been “affect”.
p>Hugs and kisses!
– stomv
my mistake.
You’re being so adorable!
I school my teachers
Making it out of high school.
liberals have always favored exile as a means of dealing with dissent?
p>The audience here on BMG consists of people who can tell when Wolf Blitzer is being an idiot and when he is making sense. The wider public is chock full of low information voters. To them, the craziness of the Tea Partiers is not self-evident. To them, Shawn Hannity and Keith Olbermann are equivalent.
p>And the Democratic Party has done us no favors. I frankly don’t know why the people that tried to shutdown the government to cut back Medicare get to pretend to be defenders of Medicare. Is the Democratic Party excessively polite? Does the Democratic Party think that the clouds will open revealing the Angel of Truth who will then explain all this to people?
IS CANADA!!! I just figured it out!!
p>I mean, the whole reach-out-to-the-other-side, lend-a-helping-hand, turn-the-other-cheekness…it’s got Canada written all over!
p>Too bad we’re not IN Canada where that stuff appears to actually work…
As disgusting as the teabaggers are, I think this is a bad idea. I think it raises their visibility, draws even more media attention to them, and keeps the conversation focused in all the wrong places. Anybody with an IQ at room-temperature or higher already knows how absurd this “party” is. Those who don’t aren’t going to be affected in the slightest by this sort of thing.
p>I think our focus should be on the the positive changes we have made, the positive changes we are still making, and the importance of moving ahead (as well as the stakes of being derailed).
p>In my view, these guys are the mosquitoes and gnats at the picnic. A nuisance, a pain in the butt, and mostly an unfortunate fact of life. Keep swatting, keep the occasional bug-zapper working, and focus on what we’re here for.
If you want to make something positive out of this, I would suggest teaming up with a local charity and setting up a donation station for a food bank with a banner that reads, “Be grateful for what you have, and help those less fortunate than yourselves”. Don’t turn Palin’s appearance into a counterproductive circus of stupidity. Shame the Tea Party people by making them seem like the selfish twits they are.
p>I think what Mr Plankton is saying is to show up at the Common, satirize the whack job right wingers, ridicule Palin and have a few laughs.
p>politics is serious business for a lot of people. For the vast majority of us, serious politics is BORING. We want to have a little fun with polemics.
p> This idea is not novel. Silly Party candidates unseated Tory and Labour politicians in England in the 1970’s….oh wait, that was a Monty Python sketch.. never mind