In case you weren’t able to join in on the fun of Tito Jackson’s Turkey Fry yesterday, I wanted to share a clip of the Governor’s remarks.
Check out the list of accomplishments, including his impending signature on CORI reform, as well as how you can help the campaign by staying informed (goes without saying here), making it personal, and believing in our shared values.
Please share widely!
peter-porcupine says
david-whelan says
p>Go to one minute twenty secs.
david says
david-whelan says
p>Next January would have been 2009. Still waiting!!!
kbusch says
david-whelan says
p>Actually I keep posting the ch 70 stuff as a reminder that Deval Patrick has done crap his first three years. Kinda like a three year vacation. Ch 70 is broken, thus we do nothing about it. Nothing!!
p>Enjoy the video. It’s pretty funny.
p>Isn’t this where Rubin checks in? Call sometime.
sabutai says
You were making a good point.
Now you’re just acting like a crank who shouldn’t be taken seriously.
david-whelan says
Cool. As a school teacher you should be painfully aware of the outrageous inconsistency in funding across districts. You and your union pals should also be helping the Commonwealth dig out of the mess we are in. $1.3 million per 1% increase in the contract value for fy 11 in Brockton. 5% increase per the contract and they have a $10 million deficit.
p>Here’s the question for teachers. Do I take the 5% raise with the understanding that 1 of 3 of my fellow teachers (usually the young inexpensive and enthusiastic ones) are getting the ax or do I help save at least some of their jobs by renegotiating the contract and help out my employer? Oh yea, and help out kids and taxpayers. And then they could join the GIC, but the Governor and Legislature does not have the balls to mandate the GIC.
p>Fear not, the Commonwealth will step in. Or maybe not.
kbusch says
mr-lynne says