Special weather advisory from Quebec which you can follow for updates states that VERY large forest fires in Quebec and Maine are leading to acrid smog from wood smoke, including cutting visibility in marine areas near Chatham.
Checking “Special Weather Advisory” will get you updates as to when this acrid, eye burning stuff may move on out.
Please share widely!
tyler-oday says
joets says
and the haze cuts visiblity past 2 miles in the south coast.
kirth says
except it stings a little more. I smelled it when I woke up, and thought one of the neighbors was burning brush. Turned out to be a whole different set of neighbors. It’s supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. That should help.
gregr says
is related. I was on top of Mt. Greylock today and could barely see 10 or 20 miles on an otherwise gorgeous day.
p>They are posting smog alerts in the Adirondacks, too.
amberpaw says
Thick. Distinct. And smelly. Acrid, too.