The slogan-not-substance understanding of government does provide a few hours of train wreck-style comedy. I agree that everyone has a right to express their opinion but political organizations must take responsibility for the actions of their supporters. The Republican Party’s unwillingness to keep the Tea Bagger leaders in check when they encouraged supporters to throw bricks through windows, crash planes into buildings and call themselves "domestic terrorists" is not only irresponsible but very dangerous. In April it manifested itself when the corporate-sponsored grassroots movement known as the Tea Bag Express encouraged supporters to call the geico and have Lance Baxter fired. | ||
During the Coakley campaign, many of organizers experienced this fanaticism in the form of daily harassing phone calls, sabotaging of online events, visibility volunteers being harassed, and Tea Baggers crashing and disrupting phone banks. The Tea Bag movement believes these tactics are acceptable forms of political expression. They see Scott Brown’s victory as a harbinger of the decline of the progressive movement. Touting Scott Brown’s election as the second coming of the conservative movement they’ve already written their November victory speeches, no doubt culminating in "Drill baby drill!" | ||
Speaking of drilling, April was not a good month for our national energy policy. Americans got a wake up call to the real price of our cheap energy policy both in human life and damage to the environment. Starting with 29 deaths in Upper Big Branch Mine disaster and ending with 11 deaths of oil rig workers in the Gulf of Mexico. These tragic deaths have been eclipsed by the Rhode Island-sized oil slick (2,500 square miles and growing) that was the result of corporate greed. Meanwhile, Cape Wind finally received approval in the same month. If Scott Brown is a visionary conservative leader, why isn’t he aggressively pursuing a new energy policy that includes renewable resources like Cape Wind? He simply continues to repeat one-line Republican slogans like "Drill baby…" If it’s not time for new policy, could he at least get new slogans and talking points?
Speaking of talking points, Senator Brown had some great ones on "Meet the Press." It is very clear he knows where to stand on banking reform. Exactly where his Wall Street pimps tell him. Have you seen the video?
Rachel Maddow Show |
Sure he had to make up a few facts but who is keeping track of things like that? | ||
Two of the substantive issues candidate Scott Brown believed in strongly were fixing the United States’ broken immigration policy and defending the public against overreaching federal government. Senator Scott Brown not so much. His defense of the Arizona state law and refusal to allow substantive debates on national immigration reform are in direct conflict with the positions he ran on. | ||
Any citizen living in Arizona who leaves their wallet on the kitchen counter and goes outside to mow the lawn could theoretically be arrested, jailed and deported. Why isn’t Scott Brown standing up to this latest infringement of civil liberties by big government? He is actually authoring bills that will take away people’s citizenship. Brown and Joe Lieberman have written a bill that is in fact so overreaching that few members of his own party will even support. | ||
Enough is enough. We are half way through May and most of us have just complained about this. What are we going to do? | ||
We are going to make sure that every person in the Commonwealth knows that Scott Brown misrepresented himself during the campaign and that Democrats are really the ones that fight for civil liberties, protect people from Wall Street greed, and are working to create a safe domestic energy policy. How? By working to elect Democrats to public office at all levels of government.
I’m back! (bowes3 returns to campaign trail)
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