From today’s Boston Globe:
“Now, some local folks are remembering another override that [Charlie] Baker supported – this one for $2.5 million in 2001. Baker made out a $1,200 check to the campaign, the biggest single donation made to the effort, according to one of the leaders of the effort.
“Informed of it, [Barbara] Anderson checked it with her candidate and came away satisfied with his explanation: He did it, he says, because his wife, Lauren, told him to.”
Why don’t you take responsibility for your own actions, Charlie? Why do you have to blame your wife? Why don’t you grow up and act like a man?
Please share widely!…
p>It’s pretty clear that Ms. Anderson doesn’t understand “the marriage thing” since she doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a partnership.
(though granted presumably at least somewhat tongue in cheek) that the two most important words in keeping a marriage are “yes dear”. Whatever, the reason, if he gave money to support a Prop 2 1/2 override then he just rose a couple of notches in my esteem.
Go ahead and take on Barbara Anderson. You might think she is the most rotten person in the history of earth, but your Reps, Senators, and Deval himself crap their trousers at the thought of raising taxes.
p>By the way, she’s actually a pretty cool lady!
Since fees aren’t taxes.
Tell them all you didn’t raise taxes and screw the professionals by raising the fees by 100%. Ah, the memories.
Mr. Baker was on “On The Record” today and mentioned that if we all went to LED bulbs instead of windmills we would save a bundle. I mean he has a business degree. Doesn’t he understand what it means to invest. You do so not in the short run but to make out in the long run. Anyone borrowing money to start up a business knows it may take some time before the red ink turns to black. I guess he does not see energy independence as a laudable goal. We can add this to his other faulty thinking.
However his thinking is very short run.
Every time he goes on these programs it’s as if he’s just brainstorming a problem he’s never thought about before. Maybe we could do this? Maybe we could do that?
p>Funny how you all waited until Ted passed to cozy up to Cape wind.
I don’t recall anti-wind farm sentiment on BMG.
Representatives of the party that bashes Frum and Bartlett and ex-communicates Crist expect us liberals to be equally tribal.
Don’t know if you followed the many blog posts going around about epistemic closure, but this one made a good point:
What Conservative Epistemic Closure Means | The New Republic…
p>The Conservative Mind, Circa 2010 – Ross Douthat Blog –
p>”Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel.” | Politics | The American Scene…
p>Frum, Cocktail Parties, and the Threat of Doubt…
p>’Epistemic Closure?’ Those Are Fighting Words for Conservatives –…
p>More on “Epistemic Closure” | Capital Gains and Games…
p>”I Was A Walking Corpse” In The Conservative Community – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
On Channel 5’s “On The Record” program he decried the startup expense and the higher rates to rate payers. There was no insight that it might be a boon down the line. He was quite firm that he thought the wind farm was too expensive to pursue.
Deval Patrick supported it in the 06 campaign, and most polls showed overwhelming support back then.
p>No change of heart. But nice try.
The people who run this site, and most of the liberals here, have CONSISTENTLY supported Cape Wind, not to mention Patrick as mentioned above. STFU if you have no idea what you are talking about.
p>There are posts here, and on most of our other blogs, going back YEARS berating our late Senator on this very issue. Why do you post here? Is it to listen to yourself talk? I can’t think of any other reason.
p>Yeah I know this is a harsh comment, it probably pushes the “rules of the road,” but that was a doubly disrespectful post – the YouTube video, and then also smearing liberals who post on this site.
p>I don’t come here to be insulted by the likes of people like you. I am, and have been, consistent as hell on this issue and so has pretty much everyone else I know.
p>I was about to break my rule of not recognizing/commenting/responding to idiots.
p>Couldn’t have saisd it better myself.
They both could have rolled out the Cape wind approval long ago, but couldn’t given Ted Kennedy’s disapproval. And come to think about it this blog has been consistently for the project. I’m kind of a nuclear guy myself.
It’s going to take both conservation and new green energy sources if we are going to get energy independence and stop global warming (which are really two sides of the same coin anyway).
p>We’ll never catch up with demand if it keeps going up at the rate it is. And we’ll never get clean independence without new green energy sources.
p>Reduce demand and replace supply with green local energy.
LED bulbs are still too expensive up front to make them a good investment for most applications.
p>What applications are good for LED?
1. When the bulbs require a lift to change — ie really high in the sky. The cost of getting that lift out there is high enough that the long-lasting LEDs make them the preferred choice.
p>2. If you know you’ll still be occupying the building 10, 15, 20 years from now. That isn’t too many folks — institutions like hospitals and universities, but not much else. But, those institutions rarely have the money lying around in capital budget to invest in saving money in 2025 when they’d much rather invest the money in research now.
not specifically LED’s. Though I see them more and more, and getting less expensive, over time. Like anything else, the cost/benefit, is important. But conservation, in general, is needed – not just more and more energy.
p>Good point though, stomv.
If his wife wears the pants, that means a Democrat will be calling the shots if he gets elected.
…could there be a “Draft Charlie’s Wife” effort percolating in the state GOP?
…we know who the second choice is. But which one participates in the gubernatorial debate?
ha ha
…is your wife around to answer it?”