All three Democratic candidates for Norfolk District Attorney attended the Brookline Democratic Town Committee meeting this past Wednesday evening, at the Devotion School. The main event was supposed to be presentations by the two candidates for State Treasurer. When one of them failed to show, the meeting transformed into a mini-debate between the DA candidates (kudos to chair Cindy Rowe for being nimble and spontaneous enough to take advantage of the unplanned opportunity!).
The “debate” was lively, following a format of 5-minute opening statements each, questions from the audience that each candidate answered, followed by 2-minute closing statements. If you were there, please comment! I think it was an excellent opportunity for each candidate to express his views, what he brings to the campaign, and what he hopes to achieve for the office. I am positive the Democrats in attendance came away with a clear understanding of the widely-divergent views and experience of the candidates.
What is also clear is that we need more such forums, with all three candidates, in towns around the county, in the coming months. I call on Sen. Morrissey and Rep. Driscoll to join me in scheduling and planning at least six such debates (two per month in June, July, and August) involving all three Democrats.
If you are interested in learning more about my candidacy, or supporting my campaign, please visit my website.