The signing ceremony for the anti-bullying bill was a politicians’ exercise in self-congratulation. Patrick left the role of grassroots activists unacknowledged and lavished praise on House Speaker DeLeo and, what’s worse, the school superintendents’ association. He was either being disingenuous or badly advised. Speaker DeLeo tried to gut the anti-bullying bill in March, but was thwarted by determined pushback by activists. The supers’ association has been the primary obstacle to passage of anti-bullying legislation for the better part of a decade. They continued to fight the bill to the end, but were overwhelmed by the public outcry over the Phoebe Prince suicide. They did succeed in stopping a private right of action against noncompliant school districts, and nearly succeeded in making the training optional (which it was before.)
In sum, the signing ceremony, instead of being about the targets of bullying, was about politics as usual.
ryepower12 says
If he tried to rip DeLeo a new one on this? They got it done and it was a good bill. Calling attention to the petty fighting that takes place behind closed doors on legislation like this goes in no one’s favor. I really don’t see the problem here.
tudor586 says
Of course the Governor praised the Speaker whether he deserved it or not. Patrick’s more egregious misstatement was that the school superintendents association helped win passage of this legislation, and he should have known better. When politicians speak with forked tongues, they deserve to be called out on it. You’re right that they got it done, but only after years of grassroots pressure the Governor slighted in his campaign-minded remaks. This is supposed to be about the targets of bullying, but I know that sentiment seems quaint and naive to those inured to the way the game is played.
sabutai says
If Deval plans to run against the Legislature this election.
dcsurfer says
Let’s not forget the bullies, who made this all possible. No one asked them to bully anyone, no one compensated them in any way, they did their jobs selflessly, out true public spirit. We should all learn from their example.
heartlanddem says
People have been hurt; children have been targeted, abused, neglected and died. Will this end bullying? No.
p>Should schools be the focal point of fixing society’s ills? No. Might this send a message that bullying won’t be tolerated….one can hope.
p>Making a joke out of other people’s misery doesn’t hit the mark.