The Anti-Violence Project of Massachusetts is calling on the Obama Administration and the United States Marine Corps to aggressively investigate a reported anti-gay hate crime carried out by two active-duty marines against a gay civilian in Savannah, GA on June 12, 2010. The Savannah Morning News cites police and witnesses to report that 26-year-old Kieran Daly was punched in the back of the head and knocked to the ground unconscious by two named marines stationed in Beaufort, South Carolina. See… According to the story, Daly had his brain bruised and suffered seizures. At the time, according to the article, Daly was attempting to walk away from the marines in the early morning hours of Saturday on a street in Savannah after one of the marines accused him of winking at him. The victim reportedly heard epithets being shouted at him. The two marines have been charged with misdemeanor assault and battery and turned over to military police. Georgia has no hate crimes law to protect LGBT citizens from sexual orientation bias-related violence.
Anti-Violence Project Chair Don Gorton demanded that the federal government investigate this case and administer appropriately severe punishment if the report in the Savannah Morning News is corroborated. Gorton noted that Marine Corps commandant James Conway has publicly pushed back against President Obama’s moves to repeal the ban on gays serving openly in the military. “Conway might as well have announced open season on LGBT civilians if the actions of the two accused marines are any indication,” Gorton stated. “He’s foolish to assume he can accommodate homophobia within the ranks of the Marine Corps by drumming out openly gay and lesbian soldiers, and yet fulfill his constitutional duty of keeping all Americans safe. Unless homophobia in the Marine Corps is dealt with firmly, it will spill over as appears to have happened in Savannah. That is not the image of honor the Marine Corps claims for itself.”
Gorton asserted that the Marine Corps will be closely scrutinized in how it responds to the reported anti-gay attack. “LGBT Americans want to know the extent to which violent homophobia is tolerated in the Marine Corps” he stated. “The investigation and its outcome will make official attitudes plain for all to see.” Gorton also called on President Obama to replace outgoing commandant Conway with a leader demonstrably more committed to the policies of the civilian leadership of the armed forces.