Wednesday evening I had an opportunity to participate in a telephone survey sponsored by Dick Morris. The telephone survey was in conjunction with a new book Mr. Morris is writing concerning the 2010 mid-term election and his appearance on an up coming FOX cable news program.
The caller asked me to listen to a recorded message from Dick Morris before I could take the survey. I agreed.
Morris mentioned that the book would outline how great conservatives like me would work together to win back both houses of congress in November and end the [President] Obama health law by appropriating zero dollars for each of its components. Dick Morris used several red-meat adjectives but I do not remember them in context.
Next, a second person came on the telephone and asked if I heard the message from Dick Morris okay without any technical problems and was I ready to take the survey. Yes I said.
The first question was “Are you satisfied with Obama’s first two years as president?” “Yes”, I said. “Thank you for your participation, CLICK…” I did not have a chance to say “Yes, but…” They did not tell me that the survey was modeled after a Professional Golf Association sudden death playoff system and one contrary answer would end my participation.
That ended my participation in an alleged balanced, unbiased, and informative telephone survey. Once again I was reminded that intelligent political discussions based on the issues ended with the poker games between Speaker Tip O’Neill and President Reagan.
Dick Morris stands head and shoulders above the rest. He’s like the King Hack.
… Hackmaster t-shirt image?
Not the d20 system…………..
p>runs away
p>This guy must be BAD!
Dick Morris has perhaps one of the worst track records for political predictions in the entire world of political punditry (and that’s saying a lot). Here’s an amusing list of weak analysis by Morris, compiled in early 2009.
p>His “analysis” typically consists of saying that the Democrats are doomed and the Republicans are resurgent. Simply because he might be right as far as the 2010 elections go (inevitable, since if you always say the same stuff, you’re bound to be right every now and again), it certainly doesn’t mean that he’s “scary right” — he’s a hack, pure and simple.
opening comments so I didnt get to answer the question. I would have answered yes (even though I have reservations about some of Obama’s work). Consider yourself honored to be hung up on by “Dick”. He hung up on Thom Hartmann on his radio show a couple yrs ago.