From Alan Grayson on Daily Kos:
For the past half century, the military-industrial complex has perpetuated one war after another, at enormous cost in both blood and money. In its lust for oil, it has broken country after country, and now the sea floor. 9/11 cost Osama bin Laden $500,000, while U.S. military action afterward cost us well over $500,000,000,000.
Now, it’s nine years later. And the war goes on. My five children cannot remember a time in their lives when America was at peace.
And no one in power seems to be able to deliver on the things that matter to us – deliver on jobs, on health, on education, on clean water and air, on better roads. On peace. On meeting human needs.
I’ve done my best in Congress to show the way. Now I need your help. On June 28, we’re going to hold an online ‘Peace Party’ event, where thousands of us come together to support this campaign. We need to raise $200,000 or more by that day, to show BP and other corporate behemoths that the “small people” (as BP put it) still matter.