It’s obvious to me that so many progessive Democrats don’t want to see Guy Glodis as the next Auditor. The outright lies that were swirling around the convention hall was proof. I think if we as a party are to overcome the label’s that the “otherside” has painted us with, we will need to face the facts that “even” if another Democrat doesn’t fit all of the party’s platform we shoulndn’t make accusations that are baseless.
It’s not going to help the person whomever he/she is come November. We all are entitled to our own opinion and we all should do our best to help our candidate but to get so low that we damage the party’s choice as a whole is not worth it. I hope we can see beyond the horizon on all of races. Going after “our” own does no one any good.
Keep the facts truthful on Auditors race
Please share widely!
As much as I hate objective opinions.
p>What outright lies did you hear?
the fact that the “powers to be” will do everything that can to tear Guy down. Why do I have repeat what was previoulsy said on this site. It is reasons like this that will cause the Democrats to lose seats throughout the commonwwealth and nation. All of you know the bs that was spread, some of these rumors were NEVER verified, but Democrats felt that it was their duty to keep spreading them.
p>Guy Glodis is not going to spooked by anyone. People who know him know that he will work harder then anyone and will not duck anyone either. He may not be want the insiders want but then again one has to asked themeselves does the leaders in the Democratic party have any idea on what they want. Keep up the good work Democrats !
people spreading “bs” about Glodis? some evidence please?
p>jeez, I don’t know why anyone would bother making stuff up about Glodis- the stupid sh-t he does all by himself is better than anything anyone could make up.
p>Democrats will rally around someone who supports, y’know, our values and our platform. Because she has the momentum and the record to run on, I suspect that person will be Suzanne Bump.
p>Glodis would have had a better shot at this seat if he’d run in the party he belongs- the Republicans.
that Guy Glodis is “not going to be spooked” and “will not duck anyone.” That would be a refreshing change from his supporters here like yourself, who weave, bob, and evade direct questions addressed to them like school kids playing dodgeball.
p>Accordingly, I look forward to Mr. Glodis’s defense/explanation of his checkered past.
I was under the impression Glodis was EXACTLY who many of the insiders want. Sabutai asked you a very direct question. I would like specific examples of the “lies” and your rebuttals thereto.
I, too, would like to hear the “baseless accusations” about Guy Glodis that you claim are being spread by progressive Democrats. But even more importantly, I’d like to hear what the Glodis camp has to say about the apparent truths about their candidate, as enumerated in yellowdogdem’s Guy Glodis Top Ten List.
p>Are they also “outright lies”? Are they not reflective of the man himself? Are there rational explanations that would somehow diminish those incidents by placing them in the proper light? If so, the time to speak up is now. And so far, the silence from the Glodis camp has been deafening.
But, what I saw coming from you did not appear to be accurate. I do not question that you believed it to be true. I don’t have a favorite in the race, but I have followed it pretty carefully. I’m still looking for anywhere in First or Second Worcester where Glodis supporters voted for Lake. Or elsewhere.
Lectures from people who refuse to answer direct questions about the very subjects they are lecturing on quickly become boring and easy to ignore.
p>I suspect you think you’re doing Mr. Glodis some good by posting this diary and the comments below. I also suspect you are under some impression that you are skooling the non-Glodis supporters, with the end result being that when we wayward Dems get to the voting booth, we’ll all vote for Guy. Sorry. Doesn’t work that way. In fact, you are reinforcing everything negative that people either know or suspect about Guy Glodis. But sally forth! Have at it! But know that you are a negative force for your candidate, not a positive one.
… that cred is something to be established on blogs, not assumed.