I’m asking for your support so that I can provide a fresh perspective on some our state’s greatest challenges: a sluggish economy, stubbornly high unemployment and skyrocketing health care costs. If elected, my first priority as State Senator will be to get our people back to work and get our local storefronts filled with businesses again. Once we increase our revenue base in the Commonwealth by getting people back on the tax rolls and expanding our commercial base, we can begin to address some of the devastating cuts we’ve recently made to local aid, education, civil rights programs and environmental initiatives.
I seek this seat in the State Senate because people are in dire need of help, and have been for some time now. I have dedicated my professional and personal life to providing a voice to those in need. I am currently a lawyer with Mintz Levin, a large law firm in Boston, where I have built my practice representing small businesses and victims of domestic violence. I serve on the Board of Directors of Parents Helping Parents, an organization dedicated to ending the cycle of child abuse in the home. I was previously appointed as a Special Assistant District Attorney in Middlesex County, where I prosecuted those who preyed on innocent victims. As a law clerk for the United Mine Workers of America, International Union, I helped fight for fair wages and the equitable treatment of miners. Prior to working for the UMWA, I was an advocate on Capitol Hill for Superfund and brownfield redevelopment as well as increased research and development funding for New England universities and institutions.
My professional experiences, coupled with my deep local roots, will enable me to be a highly effective Senator for my district and will allow me to bring a unique voice to the State House. I hope you agree.
Our campaign is just about as grassroots as a campaign gets. We are building from the ground up, visiting and speaking to voters directly through an ever-growing group of volunteers who are going door-to-door and making phone calls every day of the week. We are going to win this campaign based on a simple concept: we will earn every vote.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, and there is always room and need for more help. I ask you for your assistance to put our campaign over the top, and I invite you to learn more about us by visiting our website www.day2010.com or calling us at 781-322-6453. (That also turns out to spell 781-FAB-MIKE. Our field director was especially happy to secure that number). If you like what you learn, please join us by volunteering or making a financial contribution to the campaign.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you on the campaign trail!
I have met Mike – he’s a smart, energetic, stand-up guy who would make a terrific State Senator. He’s one of a new breed of leaders running on the Democratic side this year. If we had more public servants like Mike Day, the Democratic Party and the State would be in much better shape than it is. Help him out with a contribution or by volunteering.
…any beaf here?